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V for Vendetta

2 years ago

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[" 2. This is the magnitude of the deception that Mankind faces on a daily basis. "]

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: Global-Chief-Federal-Postal-Court-Judge &: Plenipotentiary-Judge.
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  • 0/2000
  • Mark, V for Vendetta is one of my favorite movies. As you've explained many times you are able to break-down movies and their exoteric and esoteric meanings integrated into the movies. Catharsis - the release of emotions through theatrical play. This is the purpose of movies as such. The movie-goer deeply relates to the movie and walks out of the theater relieved and somewhat emotionally relieved of the reality he/she experiences. All of these "blockbuster" movies do the same as most want to be relieved of what is actually going on in the world. Let's see how well the new Avatar movie does in the box office. This can be a measure of the profound stress upon societies.

  • also they advertised the lock downs and the police state and the confession-of-the-covid-19-experiment-and-the-reasons-for-it.. https://rumble.com/v3hk8lw-confession-of-the-covid-19-experiment-and-the-reasons-for-it..html they got us believing that they can just decide you owe money for something The doctrine of the separation of powers requires that the principal institutions of state— executive, legislature and judiciary—should be clearly divided in order to safeguard citizens' liberties and guard against tyranny. and contract law is integrated into many other areas of law, such as corporate law, land law or even family law. Contract law is all about relating the facts of the real world to an agreement made between two or more parties. Your job will be to ensure your clients' best interests are protected as much as possible so they got you believing that you can make a formal complaint to the c.a.b. or a government ombudsman or you can write to your member of parliament or local local councillor no ! it is the judiciary his job to safeguard citizens' liberties and guard against tyranny. not the mp or c.a.b or any government ombudsman and that is the trick ! or the king who is the head of state but cant get involved lol