B-21 Stealth Bomber Designed To Destroy China's air defenses #b21 #usaf #bomber #stealthbomber

1 year ago

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B-21 Stealth Bomber Designed To Destroy China's air defenses. US attempts to overturn its massive logistical disadvantages before an admittedly well-entrenched peer adversary that can inflict horrific losses on the US military.

A report in 19fortyfive pointed to China’s dense and diverse air defense network, a highly advanced air force with fully operational stealth fighters and; long-range anti-land and anti-ship missiles that can keep an entire US naval armada at bay without allowing them to get close.

Not to mention that besides the missiles, the People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF) and the People’s Liberation Army Navy (PLAN) would also serve as a second line of defense, to destroy and sink anything that comes through the A2/AD bubble.

If it comes to it, all three (the missiles, the air force, and the navy), along with the supposed intercontinental range drones, could mount a collective pushback.

EurAsian Times analyzed this option now available to the Chinese military as a ‘defensive offense’ from the ‘offensive defense’ it employs. Analysts also call the latter China’s ‘active defense’ doctrine.

Here, China is expected to “maintain offensive actions at operational and tactical levels while retaining a defensive posture at the strategic level” (or, in other words ‘tactically offensive’ and ‘strategically defensive’).

Why Is China ‘Impenetrable’?
In the South China Sea, the Chinese have a ‘home advantage’ and missiles that outrange any in the US inventory. The YJ-18 anti-ship cruise missile (range 540 kilometers) and the PL-15 Beyond Visual Range air-to-air missile (300 kilometers) outranges the US’s 240-kilometer range Harpoons and the 161-kilometer AIM 190D, while the DF-21D missile threatens US aircraft carriers.

This erodes the US Navy’s capacity (or payload) advantage. “What could US ships be launching in response? At the ranges we are talking about, nothing,” said former US Navy officer Bryan Clark.

Even China’s other ballistic missiles can pre-emptively take out US and Australian naval assets in the first and second island chains. The DF-16 short-range ballistic missile (SRBM) can reach 1000 kilometers, i.e., the first island chain.

The DF-26 intermedia-range ballistic missile (IRBM) can reach 3,500 kilometers, hitting the most crucial yet farthest US naval base in the western Pacific – Guam. And it is Guam’s vulnerability to the Chinese DF-26 and North Korean Hwasong-12 missiles that motivated the consideration to give Australia the B-21 Raider.

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