China’s H 6K Bomber with New Air Launched Ballistic Missile #h6kbomber #peoplesliberationarmy

1 year ago

A new weapon, an air-launched ballistic missile, or ALBM, for China’s Xi’an H-6K bombers, has emerged. While its origins are unconfirmed, the missile looks very similar to the CM-401, previously known as a truck- or ship-launched anti-ship ballistic missile (ASBM) that is also capable of hitting static land targets. The latest development seems to point again to the considerable efforts Beijing is making to increase its advanced air-launched anti-shipping capability, which is becoming a fundamental part of its wider and fast-evolving anti-access/area-denial (A2/AD) strategy. But even if this is not intended to be an air-launched ASBM, or at least not in its first iterations, the ability to unleash it on land targets is very concerning, as well.

The initial photos show H-6K serial number 11097 with a pair of the new missiles — which are presented in inert, form-factor-representative captive rounds — on the center pylons under its wings, arriving at the civilian Zhuhai Jinwan Airport for the Airshow China trade exhibition. This particular aircraft is assigned to the 8th Bomber Division of the Southern Theater Command, People’s Liberation Army Air Force (PLAAF). Missile-toting aircraft from this unit have also taken part in previous editions of Airshow China. In terms of its appearance, the mystery weapon has obvious similarities to the CM-401 ASBM, suggesting it may be an adaptation of this same missile for an air-launched application. The state-owned China Aerospace Science and Industry Corporation (CASIC) publicly unveiled the CM-401 at Zhuhai in 2018, as we reported on at the time. Back then, CASIC displayed two launch platforms: an 8x8 truck-mounted type and an apparent deck launcher for ships. Each version was armed with two self-contained missiles. Since then, not a huge amount more has become known about the CM-401, although it’s thought to have a maximum diameter of approximately 2.8 feet. That puts it in broadly the same class as the Russian Iskander quasi-ballistic missile, which has also been adapted for air launch, as the Kinzhal. The Kinzhal, too, has been frequently attributed an anti-ship role, although this is apparently yet to be demonstrated. Overall, though, the mystery missile’s profile is generally in keeping with other similar developments around the world, including the tapering, or bi-conic, shape of its body. A rough estimate of the new missile’s size — which includes an approximate length of around 23 feet — also seems to match fairly well with what we know about the CM-401. According to CASIC, the CM-401 — at least in its original ground-launched and ship-launched applications — has a maximum range of just over 180 miles. The H-6, meanwhile, is widely attributed with a range of 3,700 miles, although the H-6K, with its more efficient engines, can fly significantly further still and can refuel in flight.

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