5 ways China can sink a US navy aircraft carrier #chinamilitary #usmilitary #usnavy #aircraftcarrier

1 year ago

Hello everyone, today we are going to look at five ways China can possibly sink an aircraft carrier.
What if the United States lost an aircraft carrier to China in a critical naval battle?
This would be a shot heard around the world and instill panic in the White House, Pentagon, Congress, and the general public.
China has numerous ways it could take out a carrier: using carrier killing missiles, hypersonic missiles, conventional stand-off missiles from airplanes, or torpedoes and cruise missiles from submarines, including a new ship-launched “hybrid missile-torpedo.”
Below, let us explore some of these concepts which also serves as a defacto primer showing how lethal China’s military has become over the last several decades:
DF-21D and DF-26: Let’s Start with the Carrier Killer Ballistic Missiles.
The DF-21D and the DF-26 carrier-killing missiles can hit a moving target from 1,000 to 2,500 miles away. The DF-26 is a road-mobile solid-fueled intermediate-range ballistic missile. It is dual-use with conventional and nuclear warheads that can weigh up to 4,000 pounds. The DF-26 has a range of 2,500 miles which could help China with its anti-access area denial operations against U.S. carriers. The DF-21D is a dedicated anti-ship missile. It is also solid-fueled and road-mobile. Its range is 1,335 miles. The DF-21D is 36 feet long, weighing 32,407 pounds with a payload of 1,322 pounds.
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The Age of the Hypersonic Glide Vehicle Is Here.
The DF-17 missile with its hypersonic glide vehicle could also destroy an aircraft carrier. China showed this missile off in 2019. The missile can fly from MACH 5 to MACH 10. Its maximum range is over 1,500 miles. It also can carry a nuclear or conventional payload. Its speed and maneuverability allow it to outfox enemy air defense systems. Military Today described its potency and survivability. “If its initial attack fails, it can even reengage the target. Alternatively, the glide vehicle can descend to a very low altitude just before reaching its target.”

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