loving the world makes you an enemy of God, but Jesus said love even your enemies

1 year ago

Before I got confused about hearing the phrase don’t love the world, or I’d be an enemy of God. But we were to love our enemies? I thought or was incorrectly taught James 4:4 verse means you have to be willing to be a little mean, to let the world know you don’t love it.
I think James 4:4 is talking about not loving the things of this world, the pleasures. James is not talking about not loving the people. The word world is the confusing part. Got loved the world that he gave his son to die for it. Of coarse God wants us to be loving to the people of the world, but resist the temptations of the world. To not place our worship in the things of the world, rather than God who is not on our world currently in bodily form.

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