LOVE my Enemies? How in the world something like this can be done??

1 year ago

This message talks about the most powerful aspect of our faith! Its us, loving not only those that love us, but loving even our enemies!
Christian faith brings this revoluionary aspect that is called LOVING OUR ENEMIES!
It is so beautiful, so special and literally mind blowing because goes against the very essence of who and what we are!
To love someone that hates you wants to hurt you ends up hurting you and those that you dearly love has nothing to do with our very humanity!
This is super natural LOVE that emanates from the very throne of Jesus, and us, His children we can be like this, by the power that the Holy Spirit builds inside of us on a daily basis!
Let's love like Jesus! Let's be like Him..God bless you my friends.
Bible verse:
Matthew 5:44
But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you,

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