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Monkey Tree

2 years ago

There is a place in Shasta County, California I call Monkey Tree. I was exploring strange things here in 2018 until the Carr Fire devastated the area. Strange things still occur here though I don't visit as frequently since the fire.


  • 0/2000
  • aside from a small critter or bird moving the marble it seems it would take forethought to take the marble in such a way as to not set off the camera. if small critter or bird, I could understand one or two being taken but not several.

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  • Thank you again for these videos. I love the investigative process. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!

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  • Thank you again for these videos. I love the investigative process. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!!

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  • Just a suggestion but since it's common knowledge that the Sabe can literally see the cameras from a mile away...... why not treat the camera as a landmine or even better like a claymore so when the offering is removed..... bam ! ...... you're on candid camera. It has three choices now, steal the camera, destroy the camera of ask for a copy of the picture for mom.

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