Our Corrupt Govt Are King Makers

1 year ago

Patrick Bryne head of the American Project speaking at ReAwakening Tour in Branson MO on 11/5

This is a clip from his 1 hour speech of the most explosive information in American History.

He says he has proof of crimes committed & says they can hang him if he can prove it and he is lying if they have a televised military tribunal.

Patrick did a beautiful presentation of the crimes, timelines, and the names of who did it. He explains is a unique position to obtain this information

For the "cliff notes" with the bombshell information that exposes corruption at the highest levels of government (link below). This video clip also contain links to small sharable clips taken from his explosive 1 hour speech.

The #DeepState offered him 1 Billion Dollars to walk away from this & let the #Globalist steal America

Steal Votes, you Steal a country and control untold amounts of wealth

And Make Kings
The offered Patrick $1 Billion. Who else have they made kings? Ukraine? Zuckerberg? Bill Gates? Besos? Oprah?

Funded on the backs of hard working Americans. I wonder if the Lottery plays a part?

I will not give away the spoiler alert on who is the head of the snake. I was shocked myself.

In this clip #PatrickByrne tells how he gave all the evidence to Sheelah Kolhatkar of the New Yorker and Emma Brown of the Washington Post that the Russia Collusion was all a lie, because is the one that the FBI tricked into bring the Maria Butina into America. They KNEW the Russia Collusion was the #BigLie and did NOTHING because "Orange Man bad". The literally left their truth at the door, allowed the country to be severely splintered by this lie & drug through HELL the last 7 years!

They need to be fired at the very least!! And shunned by all Americans!

I encourage you to also watch these important messages from Patrick's speech:

1. This is Not about Us Vs Them. We have to unite behind the common enemy - the D + #Rino #DeepState #UniParty. AKA #Globalists. Thanks to Patrick we can now identify shadowy who that we all know something is not quite right but couldn't put our finger on ithttps://rumble.com/v1sba5w-patrick-bryne-just-defined-a-rino.html

2. The Us vs Them is Manufactured
The common enemy pitted us against each other. We can not allow our labels to set us apart from uniting against this common enemy. It is time to unite to #SaveAmerica #DeepState

3. They weaponized the media to help divide us.
The media can not be trusted. Anyone continuing to deny the truth about the #RussiaHoax and the Hacked Election is the enemy controlled media. We must collectively turn our backs on the $CommunistControledMedia

4. We must unite to defend rights for ALL Americans

The full 1 hour speech is from a fact filled 13.5 hour day of must see information - all the information the #Globalist #DeepState has tried to keep hidden from the American people with their weaponized media



For more about Patrick https://www.deepcapture.com

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