TREASONOUS Politicians Waste Tax Dollars On Rothschild Backed BLOODY WAR

1 year ago

Source: Stew Peters Network

Stew Peters is saying what many of us have been SEEING and FEELING in our GUTS about this whole Ukraine/Russia conflict. Impeccable journalist Lee Stranahan has been following this Russia/Ukraine story since 2016 and says most of what the media says about Putin & Russia is disinformation.

Putin is not threatening us with WEF policies or telling us we will be eating BUGS in the near future or starting WARS due to the expansion of NATO. It is all one sided with Evil Bankers globalists backing Zelensky with money and arms and banning Ukraine opposition parties and banning media that simply criticizes his corrupt puppet government. It is this big global enterprise threatening Russia with being surrounded by NATO with Ukraine as the final country and only land route into Russia for a future invasion.

Klaus Schwab said Vladimir Putin was one of his Young Global leaders yet there is no evidence of this except from Psychopath Schwab bragging and even then, Hungary's Viktor Orban was a 1994 Young Global Leader and he is fighting against the Globalists in Hungary. It seems like Tulsi Gabbard has woken up to the WEF's tyrannical agenda and she has called them out even last year. Hard to trust anyone these days with connections to the WEF but the WEF & UN are ANTI-HUMAN AGENDAS almost like they are ALIENS looking to exterminate mankind.

This fake puppet show that the mainstream media has been spinning is an insult to any thinking person. These sell-out corrupt politicians will say anything if it benefits them. Seeing Zelensky being WORSHIPPED and FAWNED over when he went to the US Congress to ask for more money$$ was truly DISGUSTING to see as it showed these spineless sell outs that run the country on BOTH SIDES of the AISLE (Democrats & Republicans).

Sometimes I think I am watching a real bad movie that is UNBELIEVEABLE. Like Woody Harrelson on SNL telling the truth about the 3 years of covid lies run by Drug Pushers and then says he threw that script away because NO ONE would believe that crazy story (reality).

I have been watching Nathan Rothschilds Twitter feed since the beginning of this Ukraine/Russia conflict and it has been nothing but HATE towards Vladimir Putin for what he is now doing. All the Globalists WEF leaders of the Western countries on board to back Ukraine against Russia.

10+ years of Putin Speeches with English subtitles- Inessa S

I am certainly not saying this ex-KGB agent Putin stationed in East Germany is an angel but reality is being severely distorted by the corporate controlled media. It was Boris Yeltin who got blackmailed by the Globalists (according to Martin Armstrong who got the Clinton documents) where they wanted to install their own puppet in Russia after Yeltsin was forced to resign and Yeltsin desperately wanted to find a replacement that was a RUSSIAN PATRIOT and he had 20 candidates in mind and it boiled down to choosing ex-KGB agent Vladimir Putin. Yeltsin said Putin didn't want it originally but later agreed.

Lots of bad Russian Oligarchs in Russia but Vladimir Putin jailed the Rothschild agent Mikhail Khodorkovsky who was busy stealing all the Russian infrastructure right after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991.

Mikhail Borisovich Khodorkovsky, sometimes known by his initials MBK, is an exiled Russian businessman and opposition activist, now residing in London. In 2003, Khodorkovsky was believed to be the wealthiest man in Russia, with a fortune estimated to be worth $15 billion, and was ranked 16th on Forbes list of billionaires.

Rothschild is the new power behind Yukos
The Sunday Times can identify Lord (Jacob) Rothschild as the secret holder of the large stake in Yukos that was previously controlled by Mikhail Khodorkovsky, the oil company’s chairman. Khodorkovsky, reputed to be Russia’s richest man, was last week arrested by Russian prosecutors on charges of fraud and tax evasion. His imprisonment has triggered a trustee agreement he put in place with Rothschild a few months ago. Rothschild, 67, now controls the voting rights on a stake in Yukos worth almost £8 billion. This places him at the centre of a dispute with the Russian state.

The Real Crime of M. Khodorkovsky by F. William Engdahl
What is carefully omitted from the Khodovkorsky story however is the true reason Putin arrested and imprisoned the former head of Russia’s largest private oil giant, Yukos. Mikhail Khodorkovsky’s real crime was not stealing Russia’s assets for a pittance in the bandit era of Yeltsin. His real crime is that he was a key part of a Western intelligence operation to dismantle and destroy what remains of Russia as a functioning state. When the facts are known the justice served on him is mild by comparison to US or UK standard treatment of those convicted of treason against the state........

One of my favourite quotes is from the FBI Director J EDGAR HOOVER in 1956:
“The individual is handicapped by coming face-to-face with a conspiracy so monstrous he cannot believe it exists. The American mind simply has not come to a realization of the evil which has been introduced into our midst. It rejects even the assumption that human creatures could espouse a philosophy which must ultimately destroy all that is good and decent.”
― J. Edgar Hoover

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