Patrick Byrne: “I GOT you MotherF***ers! AND FU"

1 year ago

Patrick Byrne head of the America Project speaking at the ReAwaken America Tours in Branson MO on 11/5

For the "cliff notes" of bombshell information. This also contains short sharable clips from this 1 hour speech in the description

The #DeepState is in Deep DooDoo

Patrick did a beautiful presentation of the crimes, timelines, who did it & who he is.

He says he has proof of crimes committed & says they can hang him if the can prove him wrong if they have a televised military tribunal.

They Bribed him with 1 Billion dollars to walk away from this & allow the #Globalist to take complete control over the US.

Steal Elections and you Steal a country & control untold amounts of wealth

I will not give away the spoiler alert on who is the head of the snake. I was shocked myself.

I encourage you to also watch these important messages from Patrick's speech:

1. This is Not about Us Vs Them.

We have to unite behind the common enemy - the D + #Rino #DeepState #UniParty. Or as Like to call them #Globalists. Thanks to Patrick we can now identify who is who

2. The Us vs Them is Manufactured

The common enemy pitted us against each other. We can not allow our labels to set us apart from uniting against this common enemy. It is time to unite to #SaveAmerica from the #Globalist #DeepState

3. They weaponized the media to help divide us.

The media can not be trusted. They KNEW #RussiaHoax false. Any media continue to push the #BigLie is the #Globalist controlled media. Just as Elon just recently exposed Twitter was controlled by UN guidelines.

This is a 1 hour clip from a fact filled 13.5 hour day of must see information - all the stuff the #DeepState has tried to keep hidden from the American people with their weaponized media



For more about Patrick

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