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Numinous News 004: Another Final Fare-Well

2 years ago

This is the short video I made in the fall of 2018 to announce & explain my Walking HOME Pilgrimage, a 3000+ mile Peace Trek I walked from Stuttgart (Germany) to Chattanooga (Tennessee) back in 2019 ...


Greetings, dear Friends!

Well, the time has indeed finally arrived ... After roughly 13 years of "getting ready" I am now fully & freely adopting the lifestyle of a Peace Pilgrim -- abandoning my personal identification and past identities (you can still call me Scaughdt if you wish, though I will be most often going by "Numinous" from here on out) -- walking the Earth with but "the clothes on my back" -- fasting until offered food and sleeping wherever offered shelter -- sharing The Way of Peace (which includes such things as developing sharing-based self-sustainable communities, being intentionally Kind to those who "deserve it the least", and respecting ALL sentient lives by going vegan) with anyone who asks and selflessly serving everyone else in whatever ways I can ...

I won't be carrying a cell phone (I don't own one) and won't be using any money along the way -- which means that pilgrimage updates will be sporadic at best, and yet I will be checking in per Facebook & email whenever an Internet connection is offered, so if you would like to follow along, you can either email me at rediscoveringpeace99(at)protonmail.com or you can head on over to my Facebook page ("Scaughdt" -- which contains lots of other interesting information and is open to the public) to see generally where I am and what has happened to & for me along the Way.

I have no specific end-destination in mind, and no time in which to "arrive" anywhere in particular, though at least in the beginning of the jaunt I will be walking on or near to any number of the Camino de Santiago tributaries that connect Stuttgart with the NW coast of Spain. Then, if & when I do make it to the coast, I will look for a ship-captain who will take me over the Atlantic Ocean to continue walking & serving in the United States. That, at least, is the VERY loose plan ... Of course, the saying "Make plans, God laughs" comes immediately to mind, so we'll just have to wait & see how it all unfolds!

I will link my website address (which contains not only links to the down-loadable books I have written over the past 10+ years, but also my Blog) and my Facebook page address below for all who are interested in remaining Connected.

Other than that, I wish you all long & healthy lives filled with Meaning & Joy & Wonderment & LOVE.

Take Care, my Friends -- and remember to keep passing that Care along to others (especially when feeling least inclined to do so; especially for those "least deserving" of the same)!

Scaughdt, out ... Peace & Compassion for ALL, in

my Website: www.inspiringthealtruisticmoment.com
my Facebook page: www.facebook.com/InspiringAltruisticMoments
my published Works: www.inspiringthealtruisticmoment.com/blog/?page_id=36113