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In Focus Episode 9: 8462 Dielectric Grease

2 years ago

Our ninth video in our In Focus series looks at our 8462 dielectric grease. This grease is perfect for keeping water and other corrosive elements away from electronic parts and preventing electrical arcing. In the video, we demonstrate common applications with tips on what not to do. Click here to learn more or contact our Technical Support at support@mgchemicals.com to discuss your needs today.

Founded in 1955, MG Chemicals is a manufacturer and wholesaler of chemical products for the electronics industry. The core of our company is our extensive line of high-quality products developed through leading-edge science, innovation, and process engineering. Our state-of-the-art research and innovation facilities, extended production capabilities, highly skilled technical team, and global network of distributors allow us to provide solutions wherever and whenever our customers need them.

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