Unplugging from the Matrix

1 year ago

Unplugging from the Matrix

We are led to believe that we cannot change the course of the control grids that big tech is attempting to install into our society, but the reality is that if we stand up together, tune in and take action, we absolutely can change the trajectory of the kind of society we live in.
You might've heard about how PayPal recently attempted install a policy that would fine their users $2,500 for spreading misinformation. However, due to the amount of people closing their accounts after hearing this news over concerns of this insane policy, PayPal backtracked within a day and said it was a mistake and that they were not going to follow through with this policy.
Then I learned after recording this video that now that all of the noise has died down, PayPal snuck the fine back in, this time with different wording.
Because of this development, it may appear to some, that even with so many canceling their accounts with the company, and with PayPal sneaking in the policy anyway, that taking this stand did not work.

The way I see it though is it simply means we have to stay the course and continuing to educate people about what these companies are trying to do. Clearly not enough people took action to hit their bottom line enough, but I believe once enough people cancel their account, companies like this will have take this policies like this out, or they will go out of business.

These developments caused a lot of people to find better solutions, however even though there are some companies that are attempting to promote censorship resistant platforms, they are still connected to a banking system which is the tip of the spear of the control system we live in.
This reality and with what has been happening in our world, especially over the past couple of years, has inspired me to search for ways we can continue to unplug from the matrix.
In the video I discuss a few of the ideas I've been researching over the past couple of years about how we can stand up for our freedoms, one of which evolves around co-creating decentralised systems, using things like crypto currency...specifically Monero, which is a privacy coin that cannot be tracked and traced by tyrannical governments.

We do have the ability to co-create a system that truly serves us, but it will not happen by itself, and like many things that are worth while, it will take our dedication, persistence and ability to to tune in and do the work, both on an individual and collective level.
And as we engage with the path, we can tune in and co-create a beautiful world that serves the highest good for all beings.

Intro Video artwork


Intro Music
Darren Austin Hall & Steffen Ki - ARCTURUS (Binder Remix)

Outro Music
WILLPOWER & Margaux "Pay Me In Monero"

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