NWO Globalist Cabaliist Eliteist Tyrany - The Takedown Of America

1 year ago


#CanYouFeelIt .. #ICanFeelIt .. #ThundersComing


#Mena #Arkansas
#BillClinton #Shrillary #ShrillaryDrinksBabiesBlood
#Andrenochrome #ChildTrafficking #DrugTrafficking

The Original #CommiecratClintonistaNaziPedocraticLunatics organized crime political pawns from day one ... chips off the #CommieCarter block ... 👇🏻 🤨

#CommiecratClintonistaNaziPedocraticLunatics #DeepState #NeoCons planned & executed (it's why #Mena #Arkansas #Clinton was 'installed' as #POTUS .. first #WTC in 1993, they planted demo charges then) #WTC #Pentagon #WhiteHouse (But passengers took on terrorists first .. #LetsRoll!) it's been #GlobalistCabalists since #DallasJFK1963 .. #Soros & #KlausSchwab are part of the #GroupOf300 ... 🤨

Below Links Describing How Clinton Used Alphabets 2 commit a Civillian #COUP DE'ETAT against our government & 2 hide their corruption & crimes against our country & humanity.




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