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Biden: ‘It’s Not Record Inflation Anymore, I’m Bringing it Down’

2 years ago

HUDSON: “I want to turn to next month’s election. You’ve referred to the midterm election as a choice rather than a referendum.”

BIDEN: “That’s right.”

HUDSON: “Given record inflation, why should voters choose Democrats?”

BIDEN: “Because it’s not record inflation anymore. I’m bringing it down. Look what we inherited. I inherited 6.5 percent unemployment, it’s down to 3.5 percent. We have — we lost 600 — we lost hundreds of thousands of manufacturing jobs. We’ve created over 600 —700,000 manufacturing jobs. Things are moving. As every report shows, you have people who are now in a position where the combination of pay raises and job security, they are now better off even with inflation than they were before it, and inflation is coming down.”

HUDSON: “I want to ask you about the conflict in Russia — or in Ukraine. President Putin of Russia said that he has no intent to use chemical or nuclear weapons in Ukraine. Do you believe him?”

BIDEN: “I think if he has no intention, why does he keep talking about it? Why does he talk about the — the ability to use tactical nuclear weapon? He’s been very dangerous in how he’s approached this and he should just get out — he can end this all, get out of Ukraine.”

HUDSON: “And one on student loans, if I can. A judge has halted your plan to relieve debt for millions of Americans that are struggling with student loans. What’s your response to that?”

BIDEN: “We’re going to win that case. I think in the next two weeks you’re going to see those checks going out. That’s my response. Thank you, man.”

HUDSON: “Thank you so much for your time.”

BIDEN: “Appreciate it. Thank you.”