Antibiotics after Mohs Surgery?! Skin cancer update

2 years ago

Some of my longtime readers will remember that I used a natural remedy to get
rid of my skin cancer a few years ago, but there's more to the story now.
Here's an update on why I ended up getting the Mohs surgery, and I'll tell you
about the pressure the surgeon put on afterward AS he was stitching me up...
🔹Get the full story here including what I used to prevent infection:
after-mohs-surgery-skin-cancer-update/) 🔹An important note/disclaimer: "The
information found here has not been approved by the FDA and is not intended to
diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.” I'm only sharing my own story,
your situation may be VERY different, and I'm not a medical professional or
anywhere close. Use this information only to do more research on your own!
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