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Dominion CEO: Fraud Impossible…

2 years ago

as CISA points out 9 vulnerabilities.

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  • 0/2000
  • Why should I be mad at people in power? Are they acting out of character? No they are not. We can predict their every move. Trump is a scoundrel of, course he is. How could he not be? Look at the crowd he is challenging. This system was corrupt long before Trump entered the scene of government. No one person was strong enough to take out what the Bush/Cheney.Clinton/Obama cartel had put in motion. The people who elected Trump failed him just as he failed us.- I did not want to vote for Trump in 2016. I had planned to vote for Gary Johnson just so libertarians could get more standing in elections. I changed my mind in the voting booth because of all the Hillary people who were doing their best to guide me to vote for her. I realized that everyone who came into that polling place were being guided to vote for Hillary. I had to make the strongest stand I could against her. I do feel that God helped me to decide to vote for Trump that day. I think Trump thought if he got the economy working good he would get more support. I did not vote in 2020. I knew it was way rigged and I was just sick of it all. I did not want to further contaminate my already bad name. If I had voted I do think I would have voted for Trump because Biden was worse than worse. Today and, hopefully, tomorrow I am trusting God. I am working to take responsibility for and resolve the bitterness and let it pull out the toxins in my own soul. If I seek righteousness maybe something righteous will happen. When I point out someone else's faults I am pointing to my own as well.