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The Pitiful Return Of Bill Barr

2 years ago

Julie Kelly drops some truth bombs on system servant, Bill Barr. The former AG did his media rounds this past week to echo the desire for a Trump indictment. Julie has evidence and case law that puts the Trump "secret documents" allegations to bed.


  • 0/2000
  • one word....CHUMP!

  • sitting on hunters laptop since 2019 deep state

  • well if no one is going to listen to the mccains or the cheneys or the bushs' they have to resort to bringing out the walking dead. i hesitated when trump selected sessions, i was right and i screamed WTF when he picked barr. when it comes to the deep state, fbi, doj, irs, federal dog catchers if it exists you have to go way way down the batting order to find an honest person.

  • Julie Kelly is a fearless American patriot!

  • Lying former A.G. It was all a set up by the Bushes. Bushes recommended Barr to Trump. Now, I see it was all planned not to do nothing for equal justice. BARR!!! YOU’RE A FRAUD

  • Because he seems logical, the GOP (Fox is establishment, sorry peeps) are rolling him out trying to justify the DOJ's raid on Maralago and repair the damage Merrick Garland and Christopher Wray have done to the three letter agencies. It's more conditioning of the masses. Any pundit on Fox who gives this guy the time of day, is complicit. These pundits know what they are doing and they choose their guests. They are helping the WH, DOJ, FBI and GOP perpetuate a lie to smear Trump. I am so far from a Trump worshipper, but if you can't see what they are doing, you are also complicit. ALL of this is theater. ALL OF IT.

  • Read the Presidential Records Act of 1978. https://www.congress.gov/bill/95th-congress/house-bill/13500 Or read this explanation of the PRA. http://davidbrivkin.com/the-trump-warrant-had-no-legal-basis/ The PRA stands alone and trumps any other statutes the DOJ thinks it can use.

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  • He sickens me! What a liar he is.

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  • Weak Bush RHINO!! Washington DC Sewer Rat!!

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  • Beware of wolves in sheep's clothing.

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  • Absolute snake. I can’t believe Trump ever hired him. He’s a Bush guy.

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  • Thank you FirstTV.

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  • He seems gay.

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