2 years ago

Contrary to the night before my OHP session, I had an absolute HORRIBLE night of sleep before this session, today (I usually have a significantly lower quality night of sleep before deadlifts, as that is just how my work/schedule turns out). I was really thinking about playing it safe, focusing on getting a good night of sleep in, and then hitting it the following day. However, I MANNED UP, and got to work. I decided to give straps a go, as I figured they may help me a little with a heavy AMRAP set like this, and especially because I was so tired. The working sets felt TOUGH, so I was fully prepared to only being able to hit three reps at most for a grinder, and calling it there. However, I set on one of my favorite Pantera tunez, huffed some ammonia for the extra adrenaline, and RIPPED IT; and before I knew it, three reps flew by surprisingly easily. Similar to my OHP session, the fourth felt naturally grindy, and I very briefly considered stopping there, but I felt like a fifth one was possible, so I DUG DEEP, and made it happen. It actually felt a bit easier than I was expecting; I might have even had a bit more in the tank, hahaha. All in all, this is INCREDIBLY encouraging, as this is a 5 KILO ALL TIME PR, while having a very poor night of sleep; so I think I still may have a bit more to push left in me, if I play my cards right. I may start using straps for the really high weight AMRAP's for a bit of an extra edge and/or if I have another tired day. This week has been fantastic so far! LET'S KEEP IT UP! 🤟🏻

Song: "Drag the Waters" - Pantera

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Bitchute: Liber_Primus



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