LIVE: Exposing CPS & Satanic Ritual Abuse: 'These Little Ones' CENSORED & BANNED by Big Tech
Happy Tuesday from The Stew Peters Show!
We are bringing you an amazing new episode following the RELEASE of our new documentary “These Little Ones”!
Dr. Peter Breggin was a Professor at Harvard University. He is known as “The Conscience of Psychiatry”, & has done some fantastic works for the stopping of Eugenical programs that were GOVERNMENT FUNDED, & for exposing CPS and their corrupt ways.
He joins to talk about the Pharmaceuticals administered to foster children, and how these drugs are EXTREMELY dangerous to children!
Diego Rodriguez is the grandfather of baby Cyrus who was kidnapped by CPS in an effort to traffic & sell him into the foster system. Because of all of your hard work, Cyrus was reunited with his family!
Diego joins to talk about baby Cyrus, as well as the release of These Little Ones!
Greg Phillips joins to shine a light on the election fraud that STOLE President Trump’s rightful seat in the Oval Office, and to take action on the illegal activity that occurred in the ballot booths across ALL 50 states.
Brandi Brassel from Warrior Bride Ministries is BACK on the show to talk in depth about the Satanic Ritual Abuse that thousands of children undergo each year, and how children are forced into trafficking other children for sacrifices.
Watch this new show NOW at!
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Did you know that in WA state That the schools can give a child of 13 or older a prescription of anti depressants without patent’s consent? That’s criminal!
Several years ago Evergreen Health in WA State sent a letter to a friend with young children. It stated that once the children turned 13 medical information would only be sent to the child’s private email. Then, the children could choose to share or not share.
Absolutely ludicrous.
Evergreen is also Hillary Clintons code name.
Didn't even think of that; thanks for the reminder. Evergreen called about 2 months ago and stated I needed an annual checkup...don't think so:) Avoiding all death care if possible. I know a very woke young person who works at Evergreen and still insists there are entire wings filled with dying covid patients. Yea, sure. Maybe the pcr confirmed positive, vented, remdesivired, toe tagged and cremated for safety. The US has the highest covid death count in the world; 3060 per million currently projected. India 360 per million projected.
@RavenBlaze I never listen to what they say or advise. Its all lies and has been from the beginning. Whatever they tell you, always think the opposite. Thats exactly how they do things. Opposite of what the Lord commands. Its all about controlling you. When you give in they win. God gave you your rights, Use them.
Unbelievable- leftists= servants to satan
Beautiful terrain wasted by disturbed mentalities. I used to go visit a friend every other year. I have watched it decline. "Woke" took over some years back. Moodiness everywhere. I am sure there are great people there, but the crazies have the loud speaker for sure. And they have positions of power too.
Children need love and guidance. Stop giving them drugs. Love them and pray with them.
God says to protect the children. He was talking about a time such as this! Normal is not coming back but Jesus is. Stay the path. God bless all of you. BTW.....Win Red is just as corrupt as the blue team. Truth wins❤️
They did the MAJOR CHEATING IN GOVERNOR'S RACE IN WASHINGTON STATE IN 2020! WE absolutely voted in LOREN CULP against Nazi JAY INSLEEZE. WE HAD A 'KARI LAKE' HERE. BUT the nation wasn't watching! GOD help AZ!
Why are we even having these discussions about election integrity- with any reasonable doubt we should be going #1776 on all these treasonous f*cks!
@TheLightReports I couldn't agree more!!
I went to a Culp rally with other local and regional candidates speaking. It was held on private property, so that pretentious state health mandates were only optional. It was well attended, peaceful and polite to one another: while clearly focused and plain-speaking of the real problems in our state. Clallam County WAS a POTUS bellwether country until this last election! All of the possible problems with election malfeasance that were accused when Dems lost ANY race From Al Gore to Hillary C, were all magically fixed to give us, "THE Most Free and Fair election, EVER!": but no one could say when all of those past problems were resolved! Loren Culp was cheated by our mail-in/drop-box system here, BIG TIME!!! Kari Lake has definitely helped expose those AZ desert RINOs cheating ways, but will it matter to the voters that in so many ways, GOP party animals are doing more damage to our respective states than their opponents? Amen and yes, God help us all!
The school my son went to wanted to put him on Ritalin. We refused pulled him out of public school & homeschooled him. He is brilliant & thinks outside the box. Has excellent reasoning & problem solving skills. Best thing we ever did. When I was a teacher they spoke openly about their agenda to control the kids & work to remove parents as ultimate authority over their own children's lives. I constantly spoke against this, so was up against much oppression at the time. But knowing that, I was very active in my children's schools & kept a close eye on what was happening in their classrooms.
For what it's worth, I applaud you and consider you an exemplary parent and educator.
Thank you very much! Now that I have been extremely ill & unable to work, I have been more active on these types of platforms & so encouraged by all the people on them & all that is coming out.
Praying you overcome the illness! 🙏
Thank you so much for admitting this! Some of us knew from the beginning this was a coordinated effort between Big Pharma, "psychologists", dirty teachers, Board of Education, etc. to hide the true agenda. And we were called Conspiracy Theorists. I'll never forget the interviews of these children telling how these "drugs" made them feel.
Welcome! I am so glad it is coming out. I had to leave the teaching profession but am glad that I was well prepared to then homeschool our children.
If you had some “must read” books for teens and young adults to help them become successful and critical thinkers , are there any you would suggest? My nephew is going to college this Fall and I’d like to keep him from being brainwashed from the indoctrination center they call university, which will surely do it’s best to turn his brain to mush.
It's been a while, our kids are now in their mid 30's. But we read the Bible together for years aloud & books like the underground history of American Education. Many about the founding fathers & the constitution. "Lincoln on leadership", many if not most of A.W. Tozer's books.i am trying to remember the science books we used, showing the craziness of the way they teach evolution. "Evidence that Demands a Verdict" volume 1& 2. I hope that helps some. But once you & he starts Trust GOD to lead to more. Bless you as you open his SPIRIT SOUL & BODY to the more in GOD, in the Name of JESUS!!
Defund indoctrinationcam-opps I mean public skools.
Hang in there Stew Peters if we can get enough voters to win back the system than we can changed the broken voting system so that the bad guys can no longer cheat. But it will take a lot of voters and it is working as the primarys are proof so far.
primarIES...NOT primarys
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My psychology professor said there’s no such thing as ADHD or even unbalanced brain chemistry!! He knows the truth that it’s all about big pharma creating customers for life!! 🙄
Posted "These Little Ones" to three social media platforms.
PRAY for the Little Ones !! and watch "These Little Ones" on StewPetersNetwork.
I like what this man is saying. Thank you Dr Breggin.
What an outstanding show! Great guests. God bless all of them & Stew Peters.
I cried for you...when you were sobbing
Diego Rodriquez needs to sue the hell out of CSD on behalf of his grandson and daughter and son in law. They deserve millions of dollars because of the mental and physical abuse they went through during the arrest and stealing their baby. There’s really know telling what those criminals did to the baby while in their custody. I’d lose my shit if my baby was stolen from me for even an hour. These criminal organizations and police officers need to be sued and shut down 😡
Agreed 10000%. Seems the evildoers only feel hurt in their pockets and they deserve to be dragged by their hair for what they put that baby and his family through.
If a child needs drugs for schools to teach them, it’s time to make changes in the school systems. I’m in Michigan. Why not cut class sizes down by have second shift school. Parents that work second shift should just send their kids to school on that shift. Got to heat the building anyway. Smaller sizes of classes and more one on one. DONE DRUG YOUR CHILDREN
That's not how you run indoctrination centers though!!
I think that's an excellent idea. I recall my father volunteering to teach community business at a middle school. And he is not a licensed teacher. Yet he was great at it. Can there be a system to recruit volunteer local parents to contribute in a way like that? Town meetings where parents can present what they intend to teach and get approved by the community? Even little old woodworking me, I'd propose to have a 2 session class where Every kid gets to make, say, their own skateboard deck, or lunch box, or wooden binder or whatever. I bet lots of parents could teach their "specialty" a couple times a month.
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You can do that within the homeschooling circle groups. We had many dads and moms "all ages" come and teach classes. The indoctrination centers called public schools will probably not change. We need to create our own resources. They won't figure it out until there is no one left in their classrooms to teach. But alas, at that time they will probably outlaw homeschooling. The time to get on board is now. Get your most valued possessions "your Kids" out of their corrupt hands, and teach them yourselves. Get the truth of God's word in them so that they cannot be lead astray. It's the only solid foundation that can with stand the storm that is about to come.
As long as all are vetted well. The evil has a way of sneaking in.
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ADD is the only “disease” where medicine is prescribed to a patient to alleviate the symptoms and complaints of those adults around them. Little Johnny won’t sit down, Adderall. Susie can’t concentrate on her homework and her foster parents are frustrated, Ritalin, Joey seems sad because he’s a teenager, psychotropic drugs will solve it. The checklists that pediatricians give parents to “diagnose“ ADD is just laughable. But they use them to prescribe medicine and in courts of law to force those medicines especially when one parent disagrees with the non-scientific diagnosis.
DO NOT USE GOOGLE FOR YOUR SEARCH ENGINE! They are so corrupt and censored. I use DuckDuckGo. If you type in these little ones it pulls it right up! The deep state bastards want to limit your information, steal your vote, steal your country, steal your freedom and steal your children. They stop at nothing too. In1983 Rep Larry McDonald was murdered while on board a Korean airline that got fired on for threatening to expose major players when he returned from his trip. Just about a year ago a patriot was about to expose information and was "Suicided" in his car in rural California. I can't remember his full name, but I think his first name was Phil. This along with the pedo rings in high places are real, not conspiracy theories! Just check out the body counts going as far back as JFK and Bobby to the present.
I think duck has been bought out recently . Can no longer trust them so I guess it wouldn’t matter much either way which one we use at this point.
Every county/precinct has volunteers willing to spend two days after the election going over the paper ballots that went through a electronic voting tabulator. This hand count of the selections will validate that the machine actually counted the ballot's check marks and/or names correctly at the local location. Let stop ignoring that the electronic machines have the ability to be playing fast and loose in todays world and could be giving some CEO and owners of the companies a lot of money and political power. Lets provide a redundant method of counting and generate a public report that all of the election calculations were accurate (or not). Separate the ballots in two stacks and count how many ballots are in each stack. Go to second race and split the ballots based upon the selection made. Repeat until all races have been redundantly counted and recorded. Stop with the "Risk-Limiting Audit" sham of new state laws like Texas SB 598 and get with a real audit by real humans.
AN electronic...NOT a electronic
@misteranonymous2u408 You know....It's really not necessary for you to go down the entire page checking out everyone's comments for mistakes or typo's. I think we're all at least smart enough to know what they mean lol.
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Yep I have had my fair share of anti depression meds..Prozac first!
part 1(comment to long) Anyhow at the age of 12 when I first went into State‘s custody I was placed in a shelter where they observe and rate you based on behavioral and emotional issues. that is where they first put me on medication they said to help me because I was so sad being taken away from my mom. Like anyone being ripped away from everything they’ve known their life I went through stages sort of like the grieving process I was sad and then I was angry and I was angry for a long time and they said my anger is what contributed to Me having to stay at that center for the next three years. they’re at that center there were 20 to 30 girls in each level and we were essentially locked inside all day. The windows had plexiglass bolted over them and every door locked we weren’t allowed to shut the door when we went to the bathroom or took a shower. Three times a day there was a Medline and probably 90% of us took meds three times a day.
part 4 of comment Anyhow my point in telling my personal story is that I want To expose this system “this industry” that has been created off pharmaceutical drug money, federal bonus incentives and the control the federal government has over your children. Our parental rights are being taken away and their is no one holding these agencies accountable for violating them. America needs to wake up and be active by educating yourself on your parental rights, the industry created off the backs of children, and how the juvenile court works in conjunction with CPS to silence parents with gag orders. I can not change my past, but its empowering and healing for me to tell my story, and educate, expose, and possibly help someone else. I have a tik tok channel devoted to showing real stories of families affected by CPS- Child Policing Services. Please check it out @xfosterkidcaroline
I would like to speak with you regarding a possible opportunity to be a guest in my podcast regarding this topic? If interested, please reach me on any podcast platform you may use. The Dark side Of The Human Condition is the name of the show. Or email me at 💜
I'm lucky enough to have my kids Babies were taken by CPS One by children services, and the other by Catholic family social services and sold to beautiful people , I grew up in the system , They Told me my Kids are blonde hair blue eyed non drug addicted they are a hot commodity. And that I might as well give up now because I will not win I showed up positive for cocaine on a drug test I diidnt do Cocaine try Try fighting a system The entire system all by yourself.
Adhd, autism full spectrum to slight, allergies, asthma, auto immune, SIDS, etc… correlates with the rise of childhood vaccines 30yrs ago.
Part 3 of comment None of the kids could step down from the level three lockdown facility while on Seroquel, Depakote, Lithium, or had any behaviors that required medical intervention(Haldol or Thorazine injections). So 10 months before my 18th birthday I went to a foster home that’s a whole Other disaster but anyhow The place I stayed called Haslam 1 and Haslam 2 in Knoxville TN was shut down after 2 high profile deaths. One was of a teenage boy who hung himself in the shower with a belt which sounded odd to me because we weren’t allowed to have belts and then three months later another teenage boy who was able to successfully escape the fire exit door ran so fast and hard he made it to a heavily congested highway and was hit by a car and killed.How it was possible for him to escape by(push open door, loud alarm sounds/strobe lights flash for 30 seconds before the door will open to the outside). It was very difficult to make it outside because usually the kids were tackled and restrained by staff before 30 seconds was up. In the three years I live there maybe 4 kids made it outside But that took lots of planning and coordination with other kid residents. Like Someone would cause an issue in the day Hall that required all of the staff(restraint) on that floor then another kid would hit the fire door to start the 30 secs, while that child was ultimately restrained, the child that wanted to run away could then take advantage of the staff on floor restraining and exit to the outside when 30 seconds was up. So after the investigation and numerous violations haslam center ended.
I want to help I don't know how I know that I have an incredible story An incredibly journey Not even as horrific as some of the people in the film the little ones, its enuf, I feel like I'm the only 1 in my community that is willing to stand up at the end this vaccine , and the phedophile s running and ruining this planet
i like that more hugs no drugs 👍😂
Stew for president 🇺🇸
SSRIs are bonded with fluoride that Swiss cheeses your brain
Wow! WTF 😳
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Wow! WTF 😳
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Wow! WTF 😳
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Wow! WTF 😳
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Wow! WTF 😳
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Wow! WTF 😳
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Wow! WTF 😳
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your name made it in.....The Sequel to the Fall of the Cabal - Part 24: COVID-19: Mandatory Vaccinations? Time for Action! I believe you need to bring these two massive informative works ...The fall of the cabal and its sequel to everyone's attention on your show as the education to the evil amuck requires constant learning. Vigilant exposure always needs the path exhorted and encouraged...... hope to you
Absolutely when we ignore what has happened to the children we all lose and are complicit to these crimes
What about the ads on Wayfair and Walmart of low cost items for extremely large amount of money. Most of which have human names and descriptions. Why doesn’t that ever get investigated.
Love it..more hugs not more drugs!!
Love it..more hugs not more drugs!!
I have a nephew that's been diagnosed with ADDHD. He has trouble focusing, but when he does it's unbelievably clear.
look up amazing polly or polly st. george, she is on this as well. amazing content from her.
On YouTube or Rumble?
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this is an enemy invasion of our minds as well as other weapons directed at us ,like EMP hitting us neurologically, hypnotic mind control. I am one of them and denied by the government.
it takes a week or two to build up ,then if the dose isn't continued at a specific level ,the body freaks outs ,like withdrawal. Teachers were diagnosing children in the early 90 s,referring to doctors
Hey Stew you should get Tyler Russell to do a Canuk focused show, there are a lot of Canuk's watching that would love a Canada focused Show. eddy.
Ever NOTICE that anyone that ever comments about DEPRESSION has never ACTUALLY SUFFERED FROM IT ?
Plus all the soccer moms on Ridlin and Adderall to lose weight as they fly around town in their minivans and Mercedes
I've never been a fan of pharma drugs. got out of nursing in my late to early 30's because all the doctors do is prescribe pills. I'm 56 yrs old, feel like I'm in my 30's and I contribute my health to not taking big pharma pills.
Thanks, Stew, God bess!
It’s the child vaccines kids are forced to get to attend public school. This is why their brains get busted causing issues in grade school and as an adult. Get rid of all vaccines they are all poison!!!!
Dr. Peter Breggin loves the children!! he's for the children!! 🥰 he gets to the root of the issue to help the children without those unnecessary drugs! parents need to listen to Dr. Breggin! Stew, I agree children need HUGS!! not drugs!!
This speaks more about the "workers" because without them there's no-one to carry out this EVIL? How many cops were involved in snatching baby Cyrus ?? Without the worker bees the Evil Queen has nothing. I find it staggering that so many people are that evil or stupid...or just prepared to do ANYTHING for a PAY PACKET.
It happen to me. How can I help
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Great job Stew for letting your Guests fully speak and not interrupting them constantly like Hanity does
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in the videos showcasing the documentary, stew talked about Anthony weiners lap top, the cops 11 out of 13 cops that saw that laptop are now dead and adrenacrome and frazzle drip. none of that was in the documentary. what's up with that Stew?
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He skeered. He just wants ratings. He and Cruella Ruby want your $$$$.
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My Boy is 14 now, so many people from coaches to other parents mention my kid was hyper active or whatever letter of the alphabet they wanted to associate him with. We never medicated him. Teachers, Coaches and the like want the easy kid, the compliant one, the robot. My child is working construction at 14, a gymnasts and almost an adult Black Belt. Oh and not vaccinated either. Teaching him to ve a critical thinker and an entrepreneur...Never to work for the system. God help our kids!
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no drugs more hugs.. more hugs no electronics
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All of the corruption, lies & media nonsense have turned people worldwide to turn to God & prayer. He always uses bad for good. Satan has already been defeated. No person will save us. Jesus is the only one. God bless all of the truth fighters on this show. Truth & Justice wins!
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I watched the 'The Little Ones.' Thank you Stew and crew. God Bless y'all!
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the little ones movie was so powerful! I pray these children are gotten away from their torment
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I translated already 61% of this movie into German. You can find them on both my YouTube and Odysee channel "Bibel Schnipsel TV". These Little Ones mit GERMAN SUBTITLES Diesen Kleinen (Lk 17,2) — Doku über Kindesentführung und rituellen Missbrauch mit Subs (1v3) [2022]
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stews nose 👃 is enormous
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isn't it though - almost as big as Loomer's. Funny how they look related.
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- Link
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stew says "mag" and "tag" weird
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The words "Shopping for a child" makes me want to vomit. Especially when you consider the outcome. At that age, they dont stand a chance in life. I knew this was going on but didnt know the details. Details open your eyes. Makes me wonder if there are any good people left in this world? Does anyone care about these poor children? My heart is breakingggg
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I wish the documentary started immediately. It’s hard to share w/people whose eyes you want to open when they have to sit thru opening and sensational music. 🙄
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The problem here is you’re throwing a blanket over CPS and Insinuating everyone is involved. As a social worker and one work good friends in CPS I can tell you this is NOT the case. It doesn’t have to be an agency wide operation. A few evil ppl can do much harm.
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Can you help me with my daughter. She is in danger and my county is intentionally doing so. I have no criminal record and I run a business. I work hard for my children and I've given them a childhood. My daughters mother is on anti-psychotic medication. She's a known drug dealer, she sales fentanyl and was raided due to her 10 year old son removing drugs from her house and he was caught with 6 grams. My daughters mother has made attempts on my daughters life and mine as well using fentanyl. However, my daughters grandma and grandpa are deep in the occult and they have strong ties in our court system. They are trying to get to my child again and this time the court is Blatantly making attempts to destroy my ability to protect her. If you can help at all I would eternally be grateful.
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Dr.Breggin is the man! He's the Rolls Royce of psychiatry. I have several of his books.
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I never believed in Satan or demons when I was growing up. But, as an adult, I became aware of just how many psychos not only believe Satan exists...but they also worship Satan as their "God!" Seeing the NWO trying to encourage satanism is actually what made me a believer of the Bible! They are after our kids!
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More people than ever need anti-depression meds these days...because there are more soulless assholes in the world than ever these days! The bad guys have the power, the bad guys make the laws, and in the NWO, the bullying of children is seen as "normal."
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What is a person supposed to do if they NEED to take anti-psychotic medication in order to function on a daily basis? I know the chemicals are bad for me, and shortening my life, but the only alternative that works for me is psilocybin mushrooms. And, as a natural cure, it is of course illegal.
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This poor woman's death is being investigated by the Medical Examiner in Arizona for foul play. This is what happens to those who don't die for a long time after ritualistic abuse. Police bodycams all over the this video.
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Hello, I'm a single father with full custody of my children. My oldest daughter is in danger. I run a business and have no criminal record at all. My county is putting her in danger. If anyone can help with information, a platform to tell my daughters story or even prayer I would forever be grateful. Thank you for what you do.
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I'm trying to sort of form some sort of group that will conduct 'direct-actions' against the Psychiatric Industry in an effort to stop and prevent further psychiatric abuse and human rights violations from occurring, and to maybe do things that might cause the Psychiatric Industry to make reforms in regards to force-injecting people against their will and putting them on court-orders for up to a year at a time to force-inject them with psychiatric drugs, and it doesn't matter how many times you've been on those court-orders, if you do something that they don't like they'll just keep putting you on them again and again. The effects from these forced-injections with antipsychotic drugs are commonly described as 'Getting a chemical lobotomy', and are a form of mental torture and are a human rights violation..Mainstream society however doesn't seem to care ONE bit about all of this psychiatric abuse and human rights violations that are occurring and turn a blind-eye to it, or perhaps even just choose to ignore it.. So that's why I'm trying to start the APLF, or the Anti-Psychiatric Liberation Front..A 'direct-action' group that goes up against the Psychiatric Industry in an effort to stop and prevent further Psychiatric Abuse and Human Rights Violations from occurring.. - I'm trying to keep this PG because I don't want to sound like I'm trying to incite some sort of armed revolt here or something. - If you are possibly interested in getting involved with something like this at any level, or just think that it might be a good idea, Let me know and we can talk about it further....
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OMG! This is unbelievable. It’s shocking, perverse and down right disgusting. We must do something about these sick pedos. It’s so fkd up!!!!!! God must be crying his heart out. I beg he cleanses the planet sooner rather that later
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your nasty co-host is quickly showing herself to be a real fake bitch. "Dr Ruby" is a FAKE.
@ OneAdventure Why would you say something like that about someone, I think, most of us respect?
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Because she is not who she says she is. That's why.
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you wouldn't have much respect for her if you knew.
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@OneAdventure Well please explain why I wouldn't have much respect for her if I knew. If I knew what? Because evidently you know something I'm not aware of and I would very much appreciate it if you would let me in on what you know. Thanks.
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