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LIVE: Exposing CPS & Satanic Ritual Abuse: 'These Little Ones' CENSORED & BANNED by Big Tech

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Happy Tuesday from The Stew Peters Show!

We are bringing you an amazing new episode following the RELEASE of our new documentary “These Little Ones”!

Dr. Peter Breggin was a Professor at Harvard University. He is known as “The Conscience of Psychiatry”, & has done some fantastic works for the stopping of Eugenical programs that were GOVERNMENT FUNDED, & for exposing CPS and their corrupt ways.

He joins to talk about the Pharmaceuticals administered to foster children, and how these drugs are EXTREMELY dangerous to children!

Diego Rodriguez is the grandfather of baby Cyrus who was kidnapped by CPS in an effort to traffic & sell him into the foster system. Because of all of your hard work, Cyrus was reunited with his family!

Diego joins to talk about baby Cyrus, as well as the release of These Little Ones!

Greg Phillips joins to shine a light on the election fraud that STOLE President Trump’s rightful seat in the Oval Office, and to take action on the illegal activity that occurred in the ballot booths across ALL 50 states.

Brandi Brassel from Warrior Bride Ministries is BACK on the show to talk in depth about the Satanic Ritual Abuse that thousands of children undergo each year, and how children are forced into trafficking other children for sacrifices.

Watch this new show NOW at StewPeters.com!

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Check out http://nootopia.com/StewPeters for help increasing your mental & physical strength to battle the deep-state's KRYPTONITE plot against Americans!


  • 0/2000
  • Did you know that in WA state That the schools can give a child of 13 or older a prescription of anti depressants without patent’s consent? That’s criminal!

  • Children need love and guidance. Stop giving them drugs. Love them and pray with them.

  • They did the MAJOR CHEATING IN GOVERNOR'S RACE IN WASHINGTON STATE IN 2020! WE absolutely voted in LOREN CULP against Nazi JAY INSLEEZE. WE HAD A 'KARI LAKE' HERE. BUT the nation wasn't watching! GOD help AZ!

  • The school my son went to wanted to put him on Ritalin. We refused pulled him out of public school & homeschooled him. He is brilliant & thinks outside the box. Has excellent reasoning & problem solving skills. Best thing we ever did. When I was a teacher they spoke openly about their agenda to control the kids & work to remove parents as ultimate authority over their own children's lives. I constantly spoke against this, so was up against much oppression at the time. But knowing that, I was very active in my children's schools & kept a close eye on what was happening in their classrooms.

  • Hang in there Stew Peters if we can get enough voters to win back the system than we can changed the broken voting system so that the bad guys can no longer cheat. But it will take a lot of voters and it is working as the primarys are proof so far.

  • My psychology professor said there’s no such thing as ADHD or even unbalanced brain chemistry!! He knows the truth that it’s all about big pharma creating customers for life!! 🙄

  • Posted "These Little Ones" to three social media platforms.

  • PRAY for the Little Ones !! and watch "These Little Ones" on StewPetersNetwork.

  • I like what this man is saying. Thank you Dr Breggin.

  • I cried for you...when you were sobbing

  • Diego Rodriquez needs to sue the hell out of CSD on behalf of his grandson and daughter and son in law. They deserve millions of dollars because of the mental and physical abuse they went through during the arrest and stealing their baby. There’s really know telling what those criminals did to the baby while in their custody. I’d lose my shit if my baby was stolen from me for even an hour. These criminal organizations and police officers need to be sued and shut down 😡

  • If a child needs drugs for schools to teach them, it’s time to make changes in the school systems. I’m in Michigan. Why not cut class sizes down by have second shift school. Parents that work second shift should just send their kids to school on that shift. Got to heat the building anyway. Smaller sizes of classes and more one on one. DONE DRUG YOUR CHILDREN

  • ADD is the only “disease” where medicine is prescribed to a patient to alleviate the symptoms and complaints of those adults around them. Little Johnny won’t sit down, Adderall. Susie can’t concentrate on her homework and her foster parents are frustrated, Ritalin, Joey seems sad because he’s a teenager, psychotropic drugs will solve it. The checklists that pediatricians give parents to “diagnose“ ADD is just laughable. But they use them to prescribe medicine and in courts of law to force those medicines especially when one parent disagrees with the non-scientific diagnosis.

  • DO NOT USE GOOGLE FOR YOUR SEARCH ENGINE! They are so corrupt and censored. I use DuckDuckGo. If you type in these little ones it pulls it right up! The deep state bastards want to limit your information, steal your vote, steal your country, steal your freedom and steal your children. They stop at nothing too. In1983 Rep Larry McDonald was murdered while on board a Korean airline that got fired on for threatening to expose major players when he returned from his trip. Just about a year ago a patriot was about to expose information and was "Suicided" in his car in rural California. I can't remember his full name, but I think his first name was Phil. This along with the pedo rings in high places are real, not conspiracy theories! Just check out the body counts going as far back as JFK and Bobby to the present.

  • Every county/precinct has volunteers willing to spend two days after the election going over the paper ballots that went through a electronic voting tabulator. This hand count of the selections will validate that the machine actually counted the ballot's check marks and/or names correctly at the local location. Let stop ignoring that the electronic machines have the ability to be playing fast and loose in todays world and could be giving some CEO and owners of the companies a lot of money and political power. Lets provide a redundant method of counting and generate a public report that all of the election calculations were accurate (or not). Separate the ballots in two stacks and count how many ballots are in each stack. Go to second race and split the ballots based upon the selection made. Repeat until all races have been redundantly counted and recorded. Stop with the "Risk-Limiting Audit" sham of new state laws like Texas SB 598 and get with a real audit by real humans. https://capitol.texas.gov/tlodocs/87R/billtext/pdf/SB00598F.pdf