Katamari Damacy REROLL Gameplay Sample

2 years ago

For someone who owns 400 PS2 games, there are still two important ones that I have yet to pick up (a few more than 2 actually), despite owning Beautiful Katamari on the Xbox 360, I have still yet to pick up the first two Katamari games on the PS2. I've wanted both for years, I just never got around to picking them up, only playing one of them via a demo disk.

So I was browsing Steam after picking up a Steam card one day, Bought me some Duke 3d, Bought me some Doom Eternal, and when browsing for something different, *Boom* I found, and then bought me some Katamari Damacy Reroll.

When I booted it up, for no good reason, the game was windowed, and it would not recognize my USB PS3 controller. I would later pick up a third party Xbox One controller for $22 on clearance at my local walmart, and it turns out that after you beat the training section, you can go into the options screen and make the game full screen instead of windowed.

I know there was is a fanboy flame war about offset analog sticks vs parallel analog sticks, but I'll just leave it at the Xbox One controller (as was the 360's controller for Beautiful Katamari) is woefully inadequate when it comes to doing the dash maneuver. It's a lot harder to pull off with offset analog sticks than it is with parallel ones. As you can see in this footage, there are many times I try and fail at getting the dash manuver to work.

All that aside, this Katamari Damacy remake is availble on the PS4, One, Switch, and Steam. I know they made some tweaks and changes from the original, controls, and levels times, but overall, if you are like me, and missed the opportunity to pick this game up on the PS2, REROLL is a great way to experience this unique, one-of-a-kind game, or to experience it again if you owned it or played it in the past.

NOTE: I am not responsible for "Katamari on the Rocks" getting stuck in your head for the rest of your life. This song enters your soul, and never leaves you. You will find yourself singing it at random for the rest of your earthly existence.

#KatamariDamacy #REROLL #Gameplay

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