Civil Conspiracy (Enoch252 by ~GOD~)

2 years ago

the 252nd music video by ~GOD~
main site:​​​​


Towns, Counties, States and Nations
All bought and run by Corporations.
Micromanaging the revolution
Virtue-signaling ads on television.
Civilization itself is a conspiracy
all citizens of it simply agree
To behave “civilly”
Whatever that’s supposed to mean.

This means you, and that means me,
We’re locked into this labyrinthine
Maze of mirrors recalling cultural memories
We’re too terrified to even try to leave.
Anyway, there’s nowhere we could flee.
This unnatural monstrosity’s
Taken root into our host planet too deep;
Now there’s nowhere left it cannot reach.
Slip off the sloping cliff so steep and simply sleep
Pretend your wasted life is just a dream
Never let it coalecse into a nightmare’s scream
Awakening to your contemporaries arbitrarily
Enforcing their hypocritical pseudo-moralities
Upon each other coercively, even violently
Behaving repulsively and still claiming to be
Suppressing their lesser instincts collectively.
Before me, this pit of serpents seethes,
And dubs itself “humanity,” torn between
Ideals like behaving “humanely”
And compromise with “reality,” like materiality
Is “compromised” spirituality, like a spy unseen
Until their cover is “compromised,” then being revealed
is endangered by those from who they used to steal
Identities exchanged in shadowy alleyways clandestinely.

Every citizen’s eyes wide shut, we each
don the mask of anonymity afforded us by loyalty
To the legality of civility, defending self-righteously
Our own mental slavery, we can’t even believe
Anyone else might disagree that our temporary
Wants are more important than their never-ending needs
Finally, god’s dying words as he lies bloody, slain by money,
Are decontextualized an over-simplicity: “Paper or plastic, please?”
Seems so sad when said without any irony: Timing minus tragedy
Equals a comedy of klutzes orchestrating a confederacy of dunces.

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