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Can the AEC prevent people voting more than once?

2 years ago

Not really...is the simple answer. Watch the video to find out why.

Secondly, RDA will be lobbying to change this system.
Sign the petition here and we'll use the results to try and change it - https://www.reignitedemocracyaustralia.com.au/aec-concerns/

An article about fraud in 2016 - https://australiabusinessnews.com.au/news/australian-voter-fraud-125-2016-federal-election/


  • 0/2000
  • That is a really disturbing article, thanks for the link Monica. Australian voting fraud up by 125% plus 18,000 people voting multiple times and all brushed aside as clerical error. We need extra rested people to do scrutineering as well. Will probably be another 'clerical error' when, not if, but when, we have a referendum on becoming a REPUBLIC. It would be good to hear candidates views on Aust becoming a republic, very revealing

  • Showing ID will not help because someone else could borrow your ID or you could show it several times if it is not cross checked somehow. Be careful Monica, we don't want anymore surveillance do we? My son did postal voting and you have to have someone sign the form before posting. How could they even check that? We are the ones having to be honest when politicians and parties are not? I won't vote twice because I can't be bothered.

  • I believe this election the names are on computer now.

    1 like
  • Very disturbing. I voted the other day and had to show ID.

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