ag covers degeneracy, internet's direct contribution+piano punk

2 years ago

11th guessing myself
whenever i trust my instincts, i'm totally fine
i ask myself the question why a lot
yelling at myself for over an hr
sumin i am always missing
my mind is a rabbit hole of all rabbit holes
being ostracized is underrated
if you have the audacity to ask me for my opinion...
i don't have the option not to tell you
my gender...a buncha liars fighting for the right to rip out offspring
no that's not gonna happen...yet
perhaps try a little harder to see it another'll get smarter
this is stuff that wise people do
we got the will to wonder
addicts, they ain't goin nowhere
it makes me sad that all dem are (probably) gonna burn in hell
why would anyone change and have to face themselves
think about this logically tho
for those on the right that can't put 2 & 2 together
getting on another social media site and bitching about them
social media really is a type of porn
sorry that i care about the state of society
i've seen it my damn self on "conservative" social networks
you can't tell anyone apart anymore, they're all equal on the internet
equally want attention & validation
equally play blame game, point finger
does not matter what site they're using
equally putting up stuff that only their peer group cares about
the most worthless society...they can't see why it's worthless
the other 4 ppl practicing what they preach will be on my ark

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