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3 years ago

Crusader of Centy é um jogo de ação e aventura desenvolvido pela Nextech para o Sega Genesis (Mega Drive). A história é centrada em Corona, um menino que acaba de completar 14 anos de idade e deve herdar a espada de seu falecido pai para lutar contra os monstros que ameaçam a existência da raça humana. A jogabilidade usa uma perspectiva aérea e se concentra em explorar, combater os inimigos com uma espada e resolver quebra-cabeças. Conforme a história avança, vários animais se juntam ao herói e o ajudam. Eles são usados no jogo como armas ou ferramentas, que muitas vezes permitem a passagem para áreas anteriormente inacessíveis.


00:00:00​​​​​​​​​​ Introdução
00:00:51 Soleil Town
00:03:07 Bronze Medal (Item) / Rafflesia School
00:06:02 Throw Sword (Habilidade) / Rafflesia School
00:06:36 Wolf (Chefe) / Dahlia Valley
00:09:24 Fortunateller (NPC) / Soleil Playground
00:10:29 Mac (Animal) / Soleil Town
00:12:21 Jump (Habilidade) / Dahlia Valley
00:13:18 Golden Apple (Item) / Money Bag (Item) / Soleil Town
00:13:47 3x Money Bag (Item) / Soleil Playground
00:15:35 Silver Medal (Item) / Rafflesia School
00:19:14 Money Bag (Item) / Rafflesia School
00:21:24 Anemone Beach
00:22:13 Money Bag (Item) / Anemone Beach
00:22:30 Sonic (The Hedgehog)
00:22:46 Kitty (Animal) / Animal Village
00:23:12 Lifting (Habilidade) / Animal Village
00:25:59 Money Bag (Item) / Anemone Beach
00:28:56 Oclopus (Chefe) / Chilly (Animal)
00:30:57 Hot Daisy
00:31:37 Golden Apple (Item) / Hot Daisy
00:32:18 Money Bag (Item) / Hot Daisy
00:33:13 Burn Daisy
00:34:00 Money Bag (Item) / Burn Daisy
00:35:50 Money Bag (Item) / Burn Daisy
00:36:07 Shuffler (Chefe) / Cecil (Animal)
00:38:08 Iris
00:38:51 Golden Apple (Item) / Iris
00:39:37 Money Bag (Item) / Iris
00:42:24 Money Bag (Item) / Iris
00:42:36 Animal Village / Iris
00:43:12 Golden Apple (Item) / Iris
00:43:37 Flash (Animal) / Corrida / Iris
00:49:06 Witch Puzzle / Pieces (Animal)
00:52:05 Gold Medal (Item) / Rafflesia School
01:02:11 Golden Apple (Item) / Soleil Castle
01:04:54 Camellia Desert
01:05:16 Money Bag (Item) / Camellia Desert
01:07:27 Golden Apple (Item) / Camellia Desert
01:10:14 Money Bag (Item) / Camellia Desert
01:10:51 Blocks Puzzle / Camellia Desert
01:13:54 Animal Village / Camellia Desert
01:14:28 Batty (Animal) / Edgar (Animal) / Camellia Desert
01:15:15 Tower of Babel
01:15:48 Roxie (Chefe) / Tower of Babel
01:17:51 Dippy (Animal) Camellia Desert
01:18:37 Inferno (Animal) / Castle of Freesia
01:19:47 Money Bag (Item) / Castle of Freesia
01:22:13 Golden Apple (Item) / Castle of Freesia
01:26:34 Georama (Chefe) / Castle of Freesia
01:28:04 Root Temple
01:29:56 Money Bag (Item) / Root Temple
01:32:04 Golden Apple (Item) / Root Temple
01:36:36 Leviathan (Chefe & Animal) / Root Temple
01:42:38 Tower of Babel
01:42:58 11x Puzzles / Tower of Babel
01:49:06 Heaven
01:49:14 2x Money Bag (Item) / Heaven
01:50:17 Golden Apple (Item) / Heaven
01:59:14 Maldra (Chefe)
02:04:06 Money Bag (Item) / Tower of Babel
02:06:31 Money Bag (Item) / Puzzle / Heaven
02:09:29 Camellia Desert
02:11:40 Flower (NPC) / Camellia Desert
02:13:31 Rio (Animal) /Camellia Desert
02:14:40 Magic Shoes (Item) / Camellia Desert
02:17:27 Holy Sword (Item) / Soleil Castle
02:18:01 Golden Apple (Item) / Soleil Playground
02:21:02 Camellia Temple
02:23:05 Money Bag (Item) / Camellia Temple
02:24:01 Money Bag (Item) / Camellia Temple
02:24:37 Awakening Power (Item) / Camellia Temple
02:24:53 Chameleon (Chefe) / Moa (Animal) / Camellia Temple
02:28:59 Burn Daisy
02:30:28 Dodo (Animal) / Burn Daisy
02:31:06 Puppet Master (Chefe) / Burn Daisy
02:32:56 Golden Apple (Item) / Hot Daisy
02:33:45 Anemone Beach
02:36:32 Baron (Chefe) / Anemone Beach
02:39:33 Golden Apple (Item) / Anemone Beach
02:41:15 Dahlia Valley
02:47:09 Mother Monster (Chefe) / Dahlia Valley
02:48:02 Money Bag (Item) / Dahlia Valley
02:48:41 Soleil Town
02:51:00 Wong (Animal) / Soleil Town
02:53:03 Black Night
02:58:14 Golden Apple (Item) / Black Night
02:59:57 Five Senses (Chefes) / Black Night
03:07:13 Spirit Energy (Chefe Final)
03:08:55 Final / Epílogo
03:12:00 Créditos


● Jogos finalizados: http://bit.ly/jmjogos​​​​​​​​​​
● Retro Achievements: http://bit.ly/jm-achieve​​​​​​​​​​
● Retroarch: https://www.retroarch.com/​​​​​​​​​​
● Discord: https://bit.ly/jmdisc​​​​​​​​​​


● #RetroGaming​​​​​​​​​​
● #MegaDrive​​​
● #CrusaderOfCenty