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Robert Malone explaining WHO’s Pandemic Treaty

2 years ago

Robert Malone explaining WHO’s Pandemic Treaty


  • 0/2000
  • Why isn't this on all Conservative channels, streams, podcasts, cable, local tv everywhere!!!! This is THE game changer! Wake up people, what they are doing literally supersedes our US Constitution and the sovereignty of all 194 countries within the purview of the WHO Secretary General Tedrous!! The WHO guy that sided 100% with the CCP in all things Covid!!! The HHS and the current "administration" have as of today, completed their own "amendments" to the current "WHAssembly" proposed "amendments". I fear the US congregation, headed by the traitorous HHS Secretary, is set to affirm the proposed changes!!! Do your research and open your eyes. Contact ALL your representatives and senators immediately to let them know we are aware of this horrendous threat to our Constitution and they need to take action!! PLEASE PAY ATTENTION!!

  • I've been sounding the alarms for 2 weeks and hardly any mention. it seems nobody gives a shit except about Elon musk is buying Twitter. ridiculous

  • They can't Legally usurp the constitution with a treaty. That is a non sequitur. A laymen can understand that by answering these two questions: What is the highest law of the realm? Answer: The constitution. Is a treaty a constitution? Answer: No. Tell me again how this treaty will usurp the highest law of the land ?! I wonder about Malone. it looks like he is trying to get the masses to accept this as color of law. Instead of pointing it out as a farce on the face of it, he is telling people to fear it. Then after it gets passed it will have color of law because everyone THINKS it was something to fear, instead of something to laugh at. They should be driving the point that congress can not just treating away OUR constitution. I mean it is just laughable. Yes they can enter into treaty. But no, congress can't make Walmart President if there is a sale at Target. I am also noticing that Alex Jones is pushing for impeachment. That makes me wonder about him. Beside the fact that Joe Should be tried for Fraud and to impeach would be a tacit admission of legitimacy, Alex Jones must know that there are 16 democrats in the Presidential line of succession. What is he promoting this? it makes no sense unless he is controlled opposition too. It would not surprise me. We are in the Apathy or Doubling Down phase of color revolution were too hard a push would foment a revolt. They must throttle the crisis narrative back in order to maintain apathy. What better way to throttle back the narrative. Roe V Wade makes it look like a victory for the right, in realty it would just kick back to the states and as long as just one state does not outlaw abortion, they baby butchers can just fly there. Probably with Obamacare buying the ticket. If Biden was impeached, it would do the same thing. It would look like a victory for the right, but unless they impeach them all it will only go from bad to worse. There would be impeachment trials for years LOL. Something is not right.

  • Never comply with Psychopaths .