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Beheading and castration are "Significant injuries" (BBC)


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  • When I spoke yesterday with my mother she told me that in Germany the Media reports that those Riots in Sweden are "Far Right Riots". I told her that this is not true, that it's the Muslims that are rioting.

  • The commies have a habit of starving their people, it's an old tactic.

  • Hi Stefan, thank you for your daily chats which are much appreciated, but I hope you do not wander too far away from the criminal activities of the western establishment related to vaccines, in their efforts to censor us further, as they are not satisfied with paying off MSM to silence claims of vaccine harm. Next week the UK government debate their online censorship bill, which has a section on misinformation and disinformation about vaccines. It says all content considered illegal disinformation must be removed by all companies. We should all be very concerned, as the UK often set precedents. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/online-safety-bill-supporting-documents/online-safety-bill-factsheet

  • Mysterious Liver Illness Seen In Kids In US, Europe https://www.gwcommonwealth.com/mysterious-liver-illness-seen-kids-us-europe I rather doubt that anything mysterious is going on here. But I'm pretty sure that we all know why this is happening and they're trying now to pull the wool over the gullibles eyes again.

  • The government care so much about the population not getting infected they will lock them up and slowly starve them to death? That's a twisted sense of compassion. I might cut them some slack if they had implemented a "meals-on'wheels" to ease their unjustified incarceration. I agree with Stefan. It's definitely something else.

  • BBC… The absolute king of the understatement. They can't be trusted nobody should watch them anymore. Mainstream media is dead as a door nail. They had some real significant injuries.

  • It's good news Monday. I read that a park named after a Gladstone, an influential British political leader, is to be renamed after one of the most wonderful and intelligent new breed of politicians; Diane Abbott. You cant imagine how hugely disappointed I was that she didnt get her rightful position during the last election. I only hope that she will rise even further in the next government and demonstrate her true leadership skills.

  • Yes none of this is reported on MSM and it is concerning to notice that people are being left in ignorance and actively misled because of the prevailing ideology which is suppressing information. I am wondering what is the real motivation for imprisoning the Shanghai citizens. MSM reported this morning that 3 people aged 89 to 91 had died of covid in Shanghai and were quick to claim that all had been unvaccinated, followed by a statement that ‘only’ 60% had been vaccinated. Hm..,

  • we are planning our escape from Canada..Last country on earth that you can't get on a plane to travel within or leave the country..

  • Its pure evil do like this! Awful!

  • Another irony about the religion of peace is that I don't know how they don't consider all of them selves homosexual. A soldier told me he walked through a barracks in Iraq and they were all in bed with each other buggerin each other. Then there is the boys are for pleasure, women are for breeding edict. They breed their women through a hole in the sheet, but I've also heard that the Hasidic Jews do the same thing. What a sick bunch.

  • Stefan is like the hardcore Bjorn.

  • Yes, this is the BBC for you (B.S, Bias and Censorship) and this is the treatment dealt out to none heterosexuals by this religion throughout the Arab world, and by Saudi Arabia, who inflict flogging and the death penalty, but who western governments do business with, while claiming they care about human rights. While such religious extremism is hand-waved away, and while their doctrine is continued to be allowed under religious freedom, their children are brought up to recite this vitriol from an early age, and to believe it is the will of God. The west’s failure to address this barbaric doctrine allows the vile mindedness to persist, and while the establishment are so intent on censorship (particularly in the protection of children) they fail to censor this book. Religious freedom is a fallacy, because their victims are denied freedom.

  • It's insane the lengths the left will go to hide the true nature of the religion of peace.

  • If a white guy did that to a Muslim we would hear it for weeks on end on main stream news