Walk and Talk About My Life and Our World
Another rare moment when I'm willing to share some private and intimate walks in the forest with my dog and my thoughts about our world. I honestly don't care what people think about me any more so that opens up the door to being able to be authentic and truthful with myself and you. You can also catch me at www.BBSradio.com/SpiritualActivist and for DONATIONS, Visit www.lotusguide.com/donation, Email me at rahasya@usa.com
The Great Awakwning-Full Documentary
All actions have an opposite reaction...and we are that reaction. The good news is that people are finally waking up to what many of us have been saying for many years. Let's hope it's not too little too late.
We will eventually overcome this WOKE craziness, and our job is to not get destroyed before IT destroys us. rahasya@usa.com , www.BBSradio.com/Spiritualactivist , www.spiritualactivist.com and www.YourTrustedLinks.com
The Reckoning is Coming...for THEM
If you're like me, you're sick and tired of simply talking about the corruption within our government. There are many good and decent people in the government but they need us to speak up. Download the PDF that I will be using that has all the crimes and what we can DO to start fighting back...there is no time to waste. Please LIKE & SHARE my podcasts and if you feel inclined to do so, DONATIONS can be accepted at www.LotusGuide.com/donation , you can email me at rahasya@usa.com
Are We Being Programmed?
When we have a thought, is it ours, or is it part of an agenda using "predictive programming"? As the weeks and months,possibly years go by, we must learn to know the difference. I'm watching friends and family in Real Time, fall into this WOKE Madness to the point where they can no longer know the plain simple facts that are easily verifiable. But like all truths, they are pesky little things as Mark Twain once said. rahasya@usa.com, www.SpiritualActivist.com, and for DONATIONS, visit www.LotusGuide.com/donation
It's All Starting to Unravel
The truth about both Kennedy assassinations is the crack in the dam. It's all unraveling and people are sounding suspiciously like Alex Jones. We have to stop what is happening and we are winning right now, but they will throw everything they can at us so be aware. email: rahasya@usa.com, for donations, visit www.lotusguide.com/donations
Walk and Talk About Our Lives and Being Authentic
I'm just going to say it, "If you don't see that something evil and insane is going on, you're an idiot." This has become self evident. Take a few minutes and take a walk with me and let's get real, otherwise, it's all going to collapse around us and it may be too late. If you feel inclined to do so, I have 2 ways to give, at www,lotusguide.com, GiveSendGo and PayPal. I also have a non-profit if you need the tax write off. Email me at rahasya@usa.com
The Truth Will Set You Free,and Make you Uncomfortable
Once you see the truth you can't unsee it, no matter how hard you try. Then the lies are shown clearly and suddenly, almost by magic...you can see clearly that the emperor has no clothes. For DONATIONS, visit www.lotusguide.com/donations and email me at rahasya@usa.com
My God, What Have We Done
You have to wonder what is really going on, watch my videos of WETIKO. Are we in a simulation that has a glitch? I don't know anymore...
We Are Winning, But, Things Will Never Be the Same
Yes, it's true, we are starting to win the information war, but keep in mind that THEY have seen this coming and will be doubling and tripling down. Their whole strategy is based on a faulty premise and we would do well to understand what that is, which I will be covering. Your donations are greatfully appreciated and can be given at www.LotsuGuide.com/Donation, and my email is Rahasya@usa.com
David Icke takes us deeper into the Martix and how to get out.
I've come to the conclusion that if you haven't woke up by now, you probably will never wake up in time. I just watched "Died Suddenly" here on Rumble...things are getting real folks. Rahasya@usa.com
Walk & Talkabout with Rahasya Uncensored-01
It's time to get real about what's happening and not let them get away with it...otherwise, they will do it again and the repercussions of a second lockdown and more vaccines will be unthinkable. We accept Donations through PayPal using my email which is rahasya@usa.com
Waking Up To An Insane World Is A Good Thing
As we wake up to the insanity in our world it's easy to feel alone because the minority has the media control, but we are the majority and waking up by the millions worldwide. I included part of an interview with Laura Logan in my podcast because she is able to cut through the emotional craziness that hides the details...listen carefully and it will clear up your lens of perception. I'm not posting on YouTube or Facebook because they keep giving me strikes and removing anything I say that's worthwhile. So you can be a huge help by SUBSCRIBING, SHARING and LIKING my videos, and if you feel inclined to do so, you can make a Donation at www.LotusGuide.com/donation, my email is rahasya@usa.com...Let's wake some people up !!
Depopulation and Infertility
They say if we don't learn from history we are "doomed" to make the same mistakes. Why can't people see what's going on? That's a rhetorical question but it requires a very complex and multifaceted solution and answer. Why do we trust the very institutions that we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that they have lied to us and have the worst intentions for humanity possible? It's time to take our planet back, Rahasya Uncensored, rahasya@usa.com. If you feel so inclined to support what I am doing, you can makea donation at www.lotusguide.com/donation
What To Look for As It Unravels
When the narrative was being manufactured I noticed right away that there had to be a common denominator because the insanity was happening all over the world. The first level I ran into was a mind virus or what psychologists call "Mass Formation Psychosis. But I knew it had deeper roots than this so I started researching the fall of empires and civilizations and ancient texts like what can be found in Vedic literature, historians at the time and the Bible. Be sure to watch WETIKO, Parts 1-5 for an in depth look at this. Now, as we see the narrative unravel, we are seeing how it's effecting everyone; this is a look at what happens when cognitive dissonance can no longer isolate you from the truth. If you like what I'm doing here, please feel free to make a donation at www.lotusguide.com/donation and email me at rahasya@usa.com Thank you, Rahasya
Rahasya Uncensored, Mira a Lago and much more
I sometimes feel like I'm talking with 5 year olds about what's going on. It's becoming very clear what's happening and the agenda we are being taken in to. But trust me, their plan will not work in the end...but getting there will be challenging. Rahasya, Uncensored, rahasya@usa.com, and for donations, go to www.lotusguide.com/donations
Waking Up the Wakable
Let's face it, if you don't see that something very serious is going on by now, I'm not sure there's anything I can say to wake you up...but I will try, but only for a while. You can make a donation, large or small, to https://www.LotusGuide.com/donations. You can email me at rahasya@usa.com and catch me on Rumble and BBS Radio.
Playing the Devil's Advocate
There's so much going on but to even have a chance, we must understand what we are up against which requires getting inside the minds of people like Yuval Noah Harrari...and that can be uncomfortable. My email is rahasya@usa.com, my magazine can be read online at www.LotusGuide.com, and my main podcast can be watched at www.BBSradio.com/SpiritualActivist
Wetiko Part 5-We are waking up
Could it be that what we've been warned about for centuries, that we are being invaded by inter-dimensional entities. Many of us are waking up to what we are up against. Please share and like this because I'm just starting to get my Rumble channel going, I've given up on YouTube because they keep giving me strikes for this kind of information. Rahasya@usa.com and visit www.lotusguide.com/donations if you would like to support what I'm doing, Thank you, Rahasya
Wetiko-Part 4-Going Deeper
As we go deeper into the fact that we've been invaded by inter-dimensional entities, we start noticing that there are many people talking about this, the only problem is that they are using different terminology, words like Dee State, or Shadow Government and more specifically, MassFormation Psychosis. It's time we wake up and start pushing back before we end up in a place unimaginable. Rahasya@usa.com, www.lotusguide.com/donations
Wetiko-Part 3
Wetiko interdimensional entities are becoming more clear every day. Get ready by defining and seeing the darkness clearly, in that way you can start dealing with it.
Wetiko-Part 2-Time to get wise
Let's go deeper into some of the things happening in our world and see if there's a common denominator. Below the madness and insanity, there's something connecting it al throughout history. Rahasya@usa.com
Wetiko-Part 1
What is going on? Is it human idiots or could there be a deeper interdimensional reason for this craziness? You can contact me at rahasya@usa.com
What's happening isn't human
The erosion of our connection with spirit is obvious in today's world; but why and how is this happening? It's not because our adversaries are social genius's, they are bumbling mumbling fools. It's happening from principalities...not flesh & blood. How did we degenerate from our founding fathers and true patriots to a bunch of screaming wanna-be dictators? The answer might surprise you...give me your thoughts, rahasya@usa.com
Wetiko and the warnings from hisory
I think it's time to look deeper into what's causing this mass formation psychosis that's also been called collective insanity. We may be at the end game where this is truly a war we are in with pure evil entities that we've been warned about for thousands of years. Rahasya@usa.com
Law Enforcement-We Need To Be On the Same Side
The world is changing and we need to reevaluate our relationships and be on the same side of this when it all starts unraveling. Rahasya@usa.com www.LotusGuide.com