Wisdom of the Whale... Did Future Prove Past?
I was always meant to be a "Seafarer." I have recently learned it is actually in my DNA. Thankful to Kris that she gave me an Ancestry kit years ago as a Christmas present. The ocean has always been like a magnet to me, eventually drawing me in as close as I could get to live near her. I did not have this deep understanding of my "roots" at the time I made this video, but I nearly wept watching this now two years later. It means so much more to me now with this new understanding of my roots.
I have gone through some rather shocking experiences the past 20 months with the most shocking of them coming only in the past 3 months. This has led to a period of pain, isolation and self-reflection that I can't even begin to describe in words. This past three months of intense pain and self-reflection has also led to my conversion to Christianity.
I made this video at the peak of my time spent as a "Sound Healer / Therapist," nearly two years ago to advertise an upcoming Sound Healing event I called "The Wisdom of the Whale." I had no idea how relevant it would become to my life two years after I made it. The reasons for making it and the relevance to my life then pale in comparison to what this brief video means to me in the here and the now.
As part of the pain I experienced that led me to Christ, I went too far when I flatly declared that I felt my time spent as a Sound Healer was "dabbling in the occult." There were certain aspects of it that definitely were of the occult but I had not yet been "awakened" to the occult world, nor the power of Jesus Christ. I was blind to this dangerous aspect of what I was engaged in. Knowledge and vision is most definitely power.
The outcome of a Sound Healing or Sound Therapy session really is based on the skill and intention (Guided by God) of the individual Sound Therapist. I realize now that the use of sound, frequency and vibration to help others connect with themselves and with God in a very profound way is actually a gift from God, not a pathway to Satan - unless misused. Certain instruments and their power are actually referred to in the Bible. There are numerous references to the use and importance of different sounds, instruments, music and dance throughout the Bible.
I haven't watched this video since around the time of the Wisdom of the Whale Workshop I put on at iHeart Yoga (Dana Point) back on March 7, 2020 - one week before the COVID National State of Emergency was declared in which we were going to spend two weeks to "flatten the curve." The rest is history... one of THE most historic times in the history of all of mankind. Be grateful you are part of this. You were put here for a reason.
With that, enjoy this brief video... a different side of me that I hope resurfaces in the future with a new emphasis on the healing power of God as we move away from the evils of our poisoned food supply, the poisons of vaccines, Big Pharma and Western Medicine along with the poisoning of our minds through Main Stream and Social Media. I am very optimistic all of mankind will soon be making a dramatic and much needed swing back towards our roots, God and "The Garden."
Peace to you all and God Bless.
ASH <<< Mom always said it was "Good Luck" when your initials spell a word. Thanks Mom! Love ya!
The FREEMAN hat! Are the illuminati behind the the madness we are living through? (EXPOSURE Segment 20)
Discussion of some of the satanic "gifts" I was given by a federal informant and how an illuminati bloodline family likely connects to Orange County and both of my federal and state cases.
GETTR Post on Leviathan Cross / Trump Ring:
13 Illuminati Family Bloodlines:
Freeman Bloodline:
Illuminati Bloodlines and Mormon Leadership:
Todd Spitzer, Orange County D.A. Doubles Down On CORRUPTION! (EXPOSURE Segment 19)
Watch this video and you tell me if this doesn't sound corrupt as hell to you. And keep in mind, I haven't even touched on the really evil tactics used against me by the FBI yet. That I will save for the courtroom unless forced to expose earlier. Please like and share this. If you happen to know any legit journalists, attorneys or others out there who dig into real corruption, please share this with them too. Thank you.
Orange County Register Article On Marianne Smith's Misdemeanor Conviction:
Bio Info for DA Susan "Suzie" Price Long Beach City Council Race:
Voice of OC Article RE: OCSD / OCDA Unlawfully Recording Confidential Calls:
"Oh Jesus, What Have We Done?" Thank you General Flynn For Sharing This Reminder Of Our Journey
Just a very quick update with a very sad reminder of the journey we've all been through over the past year and a half. It is so easy to forget how this all came about and all of the utter madness along the way. The war that is being waged against us and the enemy attacking all of humanity currently is satanic to the core. It is ancient. It is biblical. It has been prophesied. This war is spiritual in every sense of the word.
The evil behind this enemy of ours drove me from being a new age spiritualist unknowingly dabbling in the occult at the outset of this war to becoming a born again Christian praying to Jesus and reading the bible multiple times a day now. It wasn't until I shockingly realized I was staring this evil right in the eyes and close enough to touch that, in an instant, I KNEW that God was practically shaking me by the shoulders and pleading with me to wake up before it was too late. I listened. I am awake. Wide awake. I hope you have awakened too. I'll be back soon with more.
Big News On the #Fakesurrection Front! I Am Requesting Pro Se Status Soon. Stay Tuned!
My apologies for taking so long to get back to you all. During this quick video, I forgot to mention to you the latest Revolver News bombshell that came out yesterday, 10/10/21: https://www.revolver.news/2021/10/arrest-of-green-beret-oath-keeper-threatens-to-expose-fbis-darkest-1-6-secrets/
It's a lengthy read but well worth the effort. The truth of January 6, 2021 being a completely staged, false-flag event is slowly closing in on Nancy Pelosi and the FBI/DOJ. As obviously corrupt as the Oath Keeper indictments are and as obvious an informant as Yale Law School grad and Oath Keeper Founder, Stewart Rhodes is, I believe IF the truth of what the federal government did to me over the past year and a half is fully revealed, the Oath Keeper indictments will look positively tame by comparison.
Please continue to follow my posts and videos here on BitChute, along with Telegram, Gettr and MeWe. Good things are happening folks. Keep the faith! God bless you all! You can find my other channels here:
Telegram: https://t.me/ThoughtsOnTheGreatAwakening https://t.me/PhoenixRising_TheTruthOfJan6
Gettr: https://gettr.com/user/alanhostetter
MeWe: https://mewe.com/i/alanhostetter
The Feds Stalking People They Want To Silence Is Not a New Phenomenon (EXPOSURE, Segment 18)
*** In discussing the fatal wound to Vince Foster, I refer to him being shot in the back of the head. That was an error. I apologize. There was an exit wound in the back of his head, not an entrance wound. The suspicious aspect of the wounds on Foster is that a second gunshot wound was discovered in his neck. I have attached a link below to an article that explains many of the suspicious circumstances regarding Foster's death, including the "missing photos" that depicted this second gunshot wound. The wound locations on Foster are not particularly relevant to the stalking information I share in this video.***
The FBI, Intel Agencies and our Federal Government in general have become as evil as I, and the people in this video about Patrick Knowles, tell you it has. You have felt this over the past year and a half intensely, I am sure. Many of you have not only "felt" it, but have personally experienced extremely negative and tangible ramifications in your life related to this law enforcement corruption, healthcare corruption, electoral corruption and more.
May the evildoers be exposed and brought to justice soon.
Full video RE: Organized Stalking against Patrick Knowles:
Article on the suspicious circumstances of Vince Foster's death:
The Hidden Evil / State Sponsored Terror Campaigns:
Organized Vigilante Stalking (OVS) and Freemason Connection:
I refer to the San Clemente Elks Club in this video. This will explain why:
Are You Prepared For What Is Coming? It Can't Be Stopped! (EXPOSURE, Segment 17)
Just a quick video to catch you up on why I continue to be optimistic that we are slowly seeing more and more bits of truth slowly rolling out exposing many frauds, criminals, and secret societies that are responsible for so much of what ails the world right now. MSM (including FAUX News) is not your friend. You have to find the rabbit holes and go down them. You have to find sources of news that YOU trust.
Here are a few links I discussed during this podcast:
NY Times Article on FBI Informants at Capitol:
Hoover as Mason: https://www.masonrytoday.com/index.php?new_month=1&new_day=1&new_year=2015
Yes, several of our founding fathers were also Freemasons, however our founding occurred right at the time the "Illuminati" led by Bavarian Adam Weishhaupt. The illuminati infiltrated Freemasonry and caused it to become even more secretive and evil than prior to that infiltration:
Occult (Secret Society) Involvement in Kennedy Assassination:
More Kennedy Assassination Info:
RE: FBI / CIA corruption: Right from the horses mouth!
Feel free to fact check and continue to do your own research. The sooner the people of this country understand the evil forces behind events such as the thousands of immigrant children disappearing after crossing our border recently, the Kennedy assassination, the Gulf of Tonkin and 9/11, the more quickly these forces can be brought under control. In the end, God wins / Satan loses!
Stay safe and see you all soon!
Is My Optimism Warranted? Pray That It Is!
After posting several videos recently that I am sure were concerning and a bit depressing to many of you, I have become quite optimistic that we might be on the verge of something positive for a change. Regardless, I am strengthened by my faith and mentally prepared for anything that might come my way.
There are many signs recently indicating that the forces of good might just be starting to overtake the forces of evil that have led us to this very dark and depressing place we find ourselves in as a nation - in fact, this evil targeted all of humanity around the world.
At the risk of unnecessarily "getting our hopes up," I wanted to let you know that I am quite optimistic and hopeful these days. I'm hopeful the truth is on the verge of breaking through all of the lies and all of the evil that surrounds us. Take a listen and you decide whether you agree or not.
Also take a listen to this roughly 30 minute video from the Truth Unedited site I mention in this video. I have been watching several segments a day and they have been very helpful in explaining things for me that I've never quite understood before. This particular segment posted just a couple days ago, spoke directly to me and explained so much. Many inspirational bible verses discussed also and we can all use some inspiration these days:
Truth Unedited Video:
FBI pipe bomb lie I mentioned in this video:
Enjoy and I'll be back with more soon!
Have you heard of "Organized Community Stalking?" It's Real and I'm Their Latest Target! (EXPOSURE: Segment 16)
(Please go through the links below. There is much important information in them.)
As I have been "outing" more and more corruption, impostors, and secret societies along with continuing to call out the absolute corruption of the federal and state cases against me, the "powers-that-be" have been applying more and more pressure against me in very unorthodox ways.
The latest is something known as "Organized Vigilante Stalking." I was aware it was happening to me, but had no idea it was actually a well documented phenomenon until I started using the right search words just a few days ago. I was shocked once I stumbled across what it is really all about.
Unfortunately not many have heard of it so I figured I would share this information and just a small amount of the evidence I have collected so far. It is my fervent hope a plan is in place to destroy the evil within our government and our communities that leads to this sort of illegal and unconstitutional activity taking place against innocent Americans based on lies and hidden agendas.
Please check out the links below for more information on this along with links to several of the topics I discussed in this video. I believe you will find the links very interesting but don't rely on any single one of these links. DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH:
Organized Vigilante Stalking (OVS) and Freemason Connection:
The Hidden Evil / State Sponsored Terror Campaigns:
Organized Community Stalking Victim's Manual: https://www.spingola.com/OrganizedStalking.pdf
Mother's Market Staged Arrests (2 segments)
1). https://www.bitchute.com/video/nkf4qDRvR2Yd/
2). https://www.bitchute.com/video/gVQFQFJfwGuZ/
My Arrest During #Fencegate (2 segments)
1). https://www.bitchute.com/video/LJrK6hpRdYJX/
2). https://www.bitchute.com/video/TGzqjxuFj72R/
Red Shoe Club: This is a very dark rabbit hole to go down, but this is one of the more balanced and well resourced articles I've seen on it. As I stated in this video, not everyone who wears purple understands the current significance of it. Likely most people wearing red shoes also have no clue about why satanists might wear them. Don't judge based on color of clothing. This is just information to help you be informed:
9/11/01: The truth was always right in front of our eyes...
Study Proves 9/11 "Building 7" was "planned demolition."
There are a variety of uses of The Color Purple within Freemasonry and the Occult:
As a new Christian, this website really resonates with me. Very easy to understand and follow:
Put On The Full Armor of God / Ephesians 6: 10-18
FBI and Local Law Enforcement Use This Technology. 9/11 and the Patriot Act removed your 4th Amendment Rights:
Elks Club Information:
Symbols, Secrecy and Manipulation - Tradecraft of Satan (EXPOSURE, Segment 15)
In this video, I discuss who and what is truly ruling the world currently. We have been lied to all of our lives. We have been lied to by the Main Stream Media, lied to by our leaders, lied to by the public education system, and lied to even by those we might trust the most if they are part of these secret societies.
Above all else, they are loyal only to the secret society, their fellow travelers and their devotion to Lucifer. That is what motivates them and is most important to them. They will NEVER reveal their many, many secrets.
I will share just a few symbols in this video and offer a good link for you to start your "secret society" education. We must know the enemy if we are to defeat the enemy. I'll be back with more information and more links soon. Stay safe and stay healthy!
The following video breaks down Albert Pike's Morals and Dogma Scottish Rite Free Masonry, the Jesuits the Knights Templar, The Talmud, Kabbalah - What is Judaism.
Truth Is Always the First Casualty of War. Pray for Victory. Pray for Peace.
I am sure all of us have felt since March of 2020 an awareness that we are all in the middle of something huge and historical... just not knowing exactly where it will lead. I feel now that I have a much clearer understanding of where we are headed and the path to complete victory. I remain optimistic.
I'd like to thank everyone for your concern and love while I was away for a bit. I appreciate the messages. I was away because I was being bombarded with one mind-bending and painful revelation after another for a couple of weeks straight. Although the pain has been indescribable, this pain continues to make me stronger and wiser, as it will eventually make all of us.
God put us all on this earth at this time for the battle we are currently in, whether we like it or not. You are here for a reason. We must all do our part. Pray for strength and pray for good to prevail. Understand that we are truly in a spiritual battle involving good vs. evil.
This pain we are experiencing is necessary for us to open our eyes to the evil we are facing. Most Americans, in fact most people around the world, have absolutely no idea how deep this evil goes and for how long this evil has had us in its clutches. This pain to awaken us is necessary in order that we come to know the path we must take to destroy this evil.
May good prevail and may the evil doers be brought to justice. Pray, pray and pray some more! See you soon!
"Fencegate:" Fish Rot From the Head Down. What Say You Sheriff Don Barnes? (EXPOSURE, Segment 14)
To think that I began my law enforcement career proudly wearing this same green uniform and six point star on my chest! It breaks my heart to now see this same organization, in conjunction with the FBI, so corruptly targeting me, trying to destroy me so that others might not follow me. They are now attempting to imprison me for crimes I did NOT commit, conspiring with people I do not know and have never communicated with.
This corruption starts at the very top with Sheriff Don Barnes himself and tarnishes his entire Command Staff, who all participated in this staged, amplified and intentionally chaotic event - going so far as to include actors, operatives and informants going to jail with me on May 21, 2020. This will all be exposed during court proceedings, whether they be criminal or civil.
Pay close attention to the lies Captain Puckett tells during his press conference and the one particularly phony charge they booked me on to puff up the "Domestic Violent Extremist" (DVE) narrative they were creating around me. You watch. You decide. As always, I bring the receipts!
Show Notes:
Here I speak to deputies prior to them allowing me to enter the "No Trespassing Zone" and hop the fence to begin disassembling it:
Sheriff Barnes threatens to pull police services from San Clemente the day after the protest:
OCSD Facebook Press Release leading to community backlash:
Entire 21 Minute "OC Hawk" Video of Fencegate. Might it be possible that the OC Hawk and OCSD work collaboratively? After watching "Chuckles," I wonder...
Another Day, Another Act: How Could We Do This To Our Children?
Another day... another staged shit show starring some actors very familiar to me. I feel a certain desperation in the air now. They are trying too hard... staging too many events. Entirely too obvious now, seemingly panicked. Do not be fooled and do not despair. Their lies are being exposed, day by day. The truth will prevail. Freedom will win the day. "It will seem like you are watching a movie. #enjoytheshow"
The Great Resetters / Communists are working hand in glove with these fake conservatives who organized this protest. Their goal? To make Trump-supporting, America-Firsters look like frauds, nuts, and conspiracy theorists led by lunatics on bullhorns. In this case, it is very likely both sides knew the photograph of poor Ezra wearing a mask at Disneyworld would emerge almost immediately, thereby making Mom, Leigh, Patty and all the rest of the fake Trump supporters attending this protest look like liars and decepticons.
Think Adam Schiff / Adam Kinzinger; Think Mitt Romney / Dianne Feinstein; Think Lisa Murkowski / Chuck Schumer; Think Nancy Pelosi / Kevin McCarthy;
"It's a big club, folks... and we ain't in it!" George Carlin
Can You Feel It In The Air Too?
Anticipate a big and busy week this week. So much going on around the world right now. This week in particular, I will personally be staying close to home, avoiding large crowds and encouraging others to do the same. Watch this video for a more detailed accounting of what to watch for. Here are the links you can check out for yourself to make up your own mind. Stay safe!
Monkey Werx (watch last ten minutes for most important info)
Nino Rodriguez Podcast - He's a fun and informative podcaster that often has great info ahead of the rest of the pack. Former heavyweight boxer to boot. Language Alert!
Defending the Republic / Sydney Powell / "Walkout Wednesday"
FEMA EBS Test / August 11, 2021
In The Air Tonight / Phil Collins - One of my favs! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=no4qgpbJQ7E&ab_channel=PhilCollins
San Clemente - Let the Corruption Begin! (EXPOSURE, Segment 13)
I now take you from EXPOSURE Segments 11 and 12, the August 15th Mother's Market debacle, back in time three months to another event that was manipulated, and amplified for effect, by local law enforcement, this time the Orange County Sheriff's Department.
As usual, as I tell this story, I will show you actual evidence to bolster my claims and theories. This evidence includes text messages, photographs, videos and audio recordings of sheriff's dispatchers sending units to the fence.
There is no gag order against me sharing my theory of my case. No one has informed me that my first amendment rights have been suspended as a result of my indictment. As such, I will continue to share the unvarnished truth of what really happened to me during this corrupt 16 month investigation into my activities - activities completely protected under the 1st Amendment of the U.S. Constitution.
"A lie can travel half way around the world while the truth is putting its shoes on." Mark Twain
Follow me here: https://gettr.com/user/alanhostetter
Here: https://mewe.com/i/alanhostetter
And here: https://www.bitchute.com/channel/jmtRa5g5hTYy/
This Ain't Yer Mother's Market, After All! Part 2 - "The Aftermath" (EXPOSURE, Segment 12)
Wait until you hear what happened AFTER the arrests at Mother's Market on August 15, 2020! And even this only scratches the surface of the evidence and other bombshells I'm sitting on.
Show Notes:
OCDA Daniel Wagner Corruption:
Leigh Dundas Facebook Video RE: Mother's Market:
Leigh Dundas strongly worded letter to Chief Glass, Costa Mesa PD and Costa Mesa City Council:
TikTok Video Showing Me Challenging Don Wagner publicly:
This helps to explain, partially, why the targeting began. It's called "Why Me?"
I have no "gag order" preventing me from offering a "theory" of my case. No one has told me my first amendment right to free speech has been suspended as a result of my indictment. As always, when I make claims in these videos I support them with "receipts" or evidence, whether circumstantial or direct. This video is no different.
On August 15, 2020 two women were arrested in Mother's Market at 19th and Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, CA. The arrests were due to these women entering the store and attempting to shop without the required face diapers. What followed was shocking.
The two women, along with unrelated and completely innocent customers, were locked inside the store for several minutes until police arrived. When police did arrive to handle these two unarmed women being detained for possible infractions (Failure To Obey Mayor Foley), they launched a quasi-SWAT response with several officers and police cars, along with a paddy wagon to transport these dangerously unmasked women. I believe a police helicopter also hovered overhead at some point.
My theory is that this plot likely originated with the Orange County Joint Terrorism Task Force (OCJTTF), the third largest in the nation, and started as soon as I began to publicly organize my first protest.
The SWAMP was cocked, locked and ready to rock waiting for people like me across the country who might rise up. The lockdowns had to succeed! Just a theory.
The SWAMP is DEEP (STATE) and the SWAMP is WIDE. Orange County has its own SWAMP. You watch. You decide.
This Ain't Yer Mother's Market, After All! Part 1 - "The Arrests" (EXPOSURE, Segment 11)
Any "whistleblowers" out there?
I have no "gag order" preventing me from offering a "theory" of my case. No one has told me my first amendment right to free speech has been suspended as a result of my indictment. As always, when I make claims in these videos I support them with "receipts" or evidence, whether circumstantial or direct. This video is no different.
On August 15, 2020 two women were arrested in Mother's Market at 19th and Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, CA. The arrests were due to these women entering the store and attempting to shop without the required face diapers. What followed was shocking. The two women, along with unrelated and completely innocent customers, were locked inside the store for several minutes until police arrived. When police did arrive to handle these two unarmed women being detained for possible infractions (Failure To Obey Mayor Foley), they launched a quasi-SWAT response with several officers and police cars, along with a paddy wagon to transport these dangerously unmasked women. I believe a police helicopter also hovered overhead at some point.
Watch closely as both the actors in the crowd and the actors with the badges create quite a scene in which their main target is the organizer of the protest, yours truly. The goal, as it had been since April 2020 when I first stood up and told Gavin Newsom, "I DO NOT CONSENT!", was to label me as a troublemaker, disease spreader, and far-right wing domestic terrorist creating havoc at many of the protests I attended or organized. The subliminal, underlying message was: "Don't follow Alan. Avoid his events like the plague. He's trouble!"
My theory is that this plot likely originated with the Orange County Joint Terrorism Task Force (OCJTTF), the third largest in the nation, and started as soon as I began to publicly organize my first protest.
The SWAMP was cocked, locked and ready to rock waiting for people like me across the country who might rise up. The lockdowns had to succeed! Just a theory. You watch. You decide.
To believe a local police department would be involved in something like this is shocking, I know. But look at the bright side... At least they kept their face diapers on.
Everything is coming into focus now. Can you see it too?
Just a quick update before a big rally begins down the street from me right as I upload this. As I have mentioned many times recently, due to my circumstances of being a Deep State target, I will not be attending any protests or rallies. So, of course, this particular rally so close to my home causes me concern.
There are powerful people and institutions trying to frame me for crimes I have not committed. As I get closer to exposing more and more of the truth, I expect these efforts to intensify rather than subside. But I am confident the truth will prevail and I will be vindicated.
I again ask for any Whistelblowers out there who know what happened to me to please come forward. What happened in Orange County connects directly to Sacramento and then to Washington D.C. The SWAMP is unbelievably deep and wide. It has many layers and concentric / connecting circles joining the brain center of this evil in DC to the State level and then down to the County and City levels. I just happen to be at the heart of one of the biggest scandals in U.S. history.
For the entire video of Captain Puckett's interview see this link:
"Pops and Junior:" Who Are These Mystery Men? (Exposure, Segment 10)
There is no gag order preventing me from speaking regarding the theory of my case. I have never been informed that my first amendment rights have been suspended as the result of my indictment. If you hear of me being incarcerated, institutionalized or killed anytime in the near future, it is simply because I am getting too close to exposing the truth. Any "Whistleblowers" out there?
I believe my arrest in San Clemente, these two arrests in Costa Mesa, and my indictment for the January 6th incident are all connected. This is just a little teaser to introduce two upcoming and explosive episodes on Mother's Market that barely scratch the surface of that protest I organized on August 15, 2020. By the time this protest took place, I now know that federal and local law enforcement had been working me (for what I still don't know) for about 4 months.
Who do you think these two mystery men are?
Show Notes:
Young Americans for Liberty Website
Article on YAL (E) Scandal:
Yale Hotbed of CIA (and by extension FBI) recruiting:
Nick Taurus (Actor!) / Katie Porter Incident:
What is YOGA? What is the CONNECTION to Two Criminal Cases? (Exposure, #9)
On April 30, 2020, very early into the Covid crisis, I offered a free yoga class on the San Clemente beach near the pier. At the time I thought this crazed and angry man was just a random wack job who succumbed to Covid hysteria. In hindsight, now that I know I was being surrounded by informants as early as April 19th and Gavin Newsom, Nancy Pelosi and the feds were likely monitoring me even earlier, this incident looks completely different to me now.
The realization there was probably something more to this only came to me a couple of days ago but thought it was definitely worth sharing. Incidents such as this and the voicemail threats you will hear being made to me have pretty much been my life since our rapid descent into the Great Reset began. But don't worry... I truly believe there is much more to this story yet to unfold. We are in the midst of a great awakening. So much to be optimistic about. Hang in there folks! Much love to you all!
The Only Way Forward is THROUGH The Media and Deep State Lies! Part 1 (EXPOSURE, Segment 6)
Meet Donie O'Sullivan of CNN. He mysteriously appeared at an event last October in which I was a featured speaker. I did not see him, meet him or know this CNN reporter was there when I spoke.
Only days before the FBI raided my home and pulled me over at gunpoint on a CA freeway on January 27th, O'Sullivan began attempting to contact me for an interview. I declined. When his segment appeared on CNN a week later, you'll never believe the lies he tells and the iconic figure he connects me to. There is no such thing as a coincidence. "All lies will be revealed."
FBI Leaks to Media to Bolster Search Warrants:
CNN / O'Sullivan Segment Connecting Me to QShaman:
American Phoenix Project Bids You Farewell...
Sharing my final statement from American Phoenix Project and teasing tomorrow's podcast, which I am SURE you will find very interesting. Stay tuned!
The Only Way Forward is THROUGH The Media and Deep State Lies! Part 2 (EXPOSURE, Segment 7)
Meet "National Security Correspondent," Matthew Rosenberg of the New York Times as he stalks me and my completely innocent wife for an interview, flying all the way from Washington DC to California to do this. He spent a few days here knocking on my door and hiding down the street waiting for my wife and I to appear. We managed to avoid him, knowing he is Fake News.
Keep in mind, it was the same Fake News NYT that wrote, on January 7th, that Officer Brian Sicknick was bludgeoned to death by Trump supporters using a fire extinguisher during Capitol Fakesurrection.
The Times went so far as to very dramatically describe the "gash on his head" and attributed the source of this "cause of death" to anonymous law enforcement sources close to the investigation. It was a complete and total lie.
The FBI and other federal law enforcement agencies involved in the investigation of Sicknick's death allowed this lie to fester for nearly two months, never clearing it up because THEY, ALONG WITH THE MSM, ARE IN ON IT!
What are the odds that this same high-powered reporter stalking me and my wife just happened to be at the Capitol on Jan. 6 and coincidentally managed to interview Richard Barnett, one of the most iconic figures (ACTORS) of the day, right outside the Capitol building as soon as he walked outside? I'd say those odds are probably less than being struck by lightning.
The Fake News photographers just happened to be waiting for Barnett to enter the Pelosi's office and make those photos of him go viral. Fake News Reporter Rosenberg just happened to be waiting right outside the Capitol to get the first interview of what sounds like a crazy man (caricature / stereotype) also go viral. "There is no such thing as a coincidence."
To this day, over six months after Capitol Fakesurrection, the Fake News article Rosenberg wrote about me and my wife, with her picture included, is still "pinned" to the top of his 48,000 strong Twitter feed. Don't doubt me when I tell you that I was a "High Value Target" to the Deep State and they are engaged in a criminal conspiracy against me.
This Fake News aspect of my case is only one small part of it. Stay tuned for much, much more!
FBI Leaks to MSM:
Matthew Rosenberg Twitter Feed: https://twitter.com/AllMattNYT/status/1346962889115103232?s=20
My Entire Podcast on "Deep State Narrative Control and Treasonous Tweets:"
Speaking of ACTORS, Get a load of this! https://www.bitchute.com/video/DYlb92zMkj41/
The video above just might be why Rudy Giuliani recently asked this! (Read between the lines)
Who In The Hell is @InMiniVanHell? Such A Mystery, Indeed! (EXPOSURE, Segment 8)
Thanks to Ms. InMiniVanHell for the shout out yesterday. Her Tweet was the inspiration to produce this video and tie up some loose ends related to American Phoenix Project, along with how and why it was created, funded and launched back in early May 2020.
Also allows for some well-founded speculation on exactly who the cast of characters are that create the content for that obscenely hateful, deceitful and libelous and hellish twitter account. The TRUTH shall set us free!
Links to the Sharyl Attkisson website describing unlawful governmental spying on her personal computer systems:
British tabloid article on American Phoenix Project / Mercer connection:
TRUTH and EXPOSURE - It's the only way forward!
Just a quick video to share some interesting developments. The more truth I tell regarding Capitol Fakesurrection, the more panicked some of these Deep State informants and operatives appear to be.
First there was coordinated chatter coming from the haters and fakers about me being "mentally unbalanced" and "unhinged" as i started to put the pieces of the puzzle together. Once I called that out, there were two attempts, within the past few days, to loop me into some sort of communication with a co-defendant, which would land me in jail for violation of my conditions of release.
I continue to be very public about this as I believe this is my best protection as this scandal is completely revealed.