Truth Is Always the First Casualty of War. Pray for Victory. Pray for Peace.

3 years ago

I am sure all of us have felt since March of 2020 an awareness that we are all in the middle of something huge and historical... just not knowing exactly where it will lead. I feel now that I have a much clearer understanding of where we are headed and the path to complete victory. I remain optimistic.

I'd like to thank everyone for your concern and love while I was away for a bit. I appreciate the messages. I was away because I was being bombarded with one mind-bending and painful revelation after another for a couple of weeks straight. Although the pain has been indescribable, this pain continues to make me stronger and wiser, as it will eventually make all of us.

God put us all on this earth at this time for the battle we are currently in, whether we like it or not. You are here for a reason. We must all do our part. Pray for strength and pray for good to prevail. Understand that we are truly in a spiritual battle involving good vs. evil.

This pain we are experiencing is necessary for us to open our eyes to the evil we are facing. Most Americans, in fact most people around the world, have absolutely no idea how deep this evil goes and for how long this evil has had us in its clutches. This pain to awaken us is necessary in order that we come to know the path we must take to destroy this evil.

May good prevail and may the evil doers be brought to justice. Pray, pray and pray some more! See you soon!

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