2 years agoIsolation Camps in New York: Tessa Lena Talks to Attorney Bobbie Anne CoxTessa Fights Robots
2 years agoC-19 Injections, Regulatory and Manufacturing Fraud: Tessa Lena Talks to Alexandra LatypovaTessa Fights Robots
2 years agoMedical Trust Betrayed and "Air Vaccines" at Houston Methodist: Tessa Lena Talks to Whistleblowers Dr. Venu Julapalli, Dr. Mary Crow, Owen Robinson (RN)Tessa Fights Robots
2 years agoVaccine Fatality Rate & College Mandates: Tessa Lena Talks to Spiro Pantazatos, PhDTessa Fights Robots
2 years agoKlaus Schwab and the Origins of WEF: Tessa Lena Talks to Johnny VedmoreTessa Fights Robots
8 months agoMark Crispin Miller and Tessa Lena (Tessa Fights Robots) on Make Language Great AgainTessa Fights Robots
22 days agoSENSITIVE Johnny Vedmore responds on the Tessa Lena podcast to posts by his ex-partner Whitney WebbTonyGosling
2 years agoC-19 Injections, Regulatory and Manufacturing Fraud: Tessa Lena Talks to Alexandra LatypovaRight2Freedom
2 years agoC-19 Injections, Regulatory and Manufacturing Fraud: Tessa Lena Talks to Alexandra LatypovaTessa Fights Robots
2 years agoFederation of State Medical Boards: Tessa Lena Talks to Dr. Bruce DooleyTessa Fights Robots
3 years agoTessa Lena Talks to a Team in New Zealand About Mystery Objects Found in COVID InjectionsTessa Fights Robots