3 years agoAfter a closer look, ballot stacks were scanned multiple times at the State Farm Arena after ~11 PMSeekTruth
3 years agoobserved USB cards being uploaded to the voting machines by the voting machine warehouse supervisorSeekTruth
3 years agoExpert Witness Colonel Phil Waldron before Pennsylvania Senate Majority Policy Committee (Nov. 25)SeekTruth
3 years agoequipment counting crease as a vote, if voted for Republican, counted as double vote threw those outSeekTruth
3 years agoReminder why we need a Full Forensic Audit in Pennsylvania for the 2020 Presidential ElectionSeekTruth
3 years agoExpert Witnesses Garland Favorito & David Cross - Georgia State House Election Hearing (Dec. 10)SeekTruth
3 years ago(Georgia) Many more reasons why a Full Forensic Audit is needed for the 2020 Presidential ElectionSeekTruth
3 years agoMonitor testifies 'Large quantities of Mail in Ballots that were NOT marked by a writing instrument’SeekTruth
3 years agoFormer Election Official: 'Republican Poll Challengers were removed by the Police..'SeekTruth
3 years agoThere was Fraud in Georgia's Election, they can prove it with Data and because they can prove it …SeekTruth
3 years agoDemocrat ballots had one QR-Code, Republican ballots, two & they were directed to different scannersSeekTruth
3 years agoMayor Rudy Giuliani closing statements in front of Michigan House Oversight Committee (Dec. 2)SeekTruth
3 years agoPink highlighter could not be read ..they all had to be done again ..the duplicated mail-in ballotsSeekTruth
3 years agoElection Observer testifies about 'Low confidence banner on the screen for Signature verification'SeekTruth
3 years agoTrump lawyer Jenna Ellis' closing statements in front of Michigan House Oversight Committee (Dec. 2)SeekTruth
3 years ago‘Approximately 12% of the vote, of 100,000 votes a day needed to be adjudicated, to determine ..‘SeekTruth
3 years agoA reproduced ballot is printed on a standard size piece of paper with a QR code & cannot be mistakenSeekTruth
3 years ago'eye witnessed, employees taking their pen & filling in the Democrat straight ticket, when it's not'SeekTruth
3 years ago(Georgia) hand recount audit ..using ..Election results ..per the E-mail from the Secretary of StateSeekTruth
3 years agoWisconsin - Employee working for the United States Postal Service Ordered to Back Date BallotsSeekTruth
3 years agoElection volunteer testifies 'Dominion Employees were the only ones that were running.. equipment’SeekTruth