observed USB cards being uploaded to the voting machines by the voting machine warehouse supervisor

2 years ago

Election Poll Watcher/Observer testifies:

'So I personally observed USB vcards being uploaded to the voting machines by the.. voting machine warehouse supervisor on multiple occasions, I saw this personally, I brought it to the attention of the deputy sheriff who was there stationed who was a senior law enforcement officer and I brought it to the attention of the clerk of elections, I brought it to their attention, I objected and I said this person is not being observed, he's not part of the process that I can see and he's walking in with baggies which we have pictures of and it was submitted to in our affidavits and he was sticking these usbs into the machines so I personally witnessed over that that happened 24 times over 24 times, we have multiple other witnesses to start, including democrat poll watchers..'

'As of today 47 USB vcards are missing and they're nowhere to be found, so I was told personally that these 32 these 24 to 30 cards that were uploaded, weren't there..'

'What I observed in the locked room in the back office was 70,000 unopened mail-in ballots they were in boxes of five hundred stacked in neatly the gentleman that came in with me is a was a democrat poll watcher is a forensic pathologist a very detailed very dedicated man and he took meticulous notes as well and I verified with him, are you seeing what I'm seeing? ..'

'The problem with that was by that time the mail-in ballots had already been counted 120,000 mail-in ballots have already been counted posted and done, so my question is where do the seventy thousand ballots go?, and nobody knows..'

'..I wanted to know the universe of the votes well the universe of the votes was only supposed to be 120,000 mail in ballots we were told there were six thousand ballots remaining so I said Ok, we have a universe of 126,000 votes and then when I get back there the universe wasn't 126,000 votes the universe was 200,000 votes, so that's a problem..'

The most impactful witnesses

Senate Majority Policy Committee Hearing designed to help us learn more about the conduct of the 2020 Elections in Pennsylvania

Some of the best witnesses from the hearing!

This is The Independent & NTD News recording of the 'Pennsylvania Senate Majority Policy Committee Hearing' on 11/25/2020

#2000Mules (https://2000mules.com)

Segment of:

Live: Giuliani attends election hearing in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania | (The Independent)

LIVE: Trump and Giuliani Participate in Hearing on Voter Fraud in Pennsylvania (Nov. 25) | NTD

Public Hearing on Election Issues | Pennsylvania Senate Majority Policy Committee
Direct Video Link (with Closed Caption):
Source: https://policy.pasenategop.com/112520/

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