Reminder why we need a Full Forensic Audit in Pennsylvania for the 2020 Presidential Election

3 years ago

The original video was around 3.5 hours in length,
this has been reduced to just under 2.5 hours
with valuable and impacting
testimony from election volunteers of the
State of Pennsylvania 2020 Election, voters and others.

The most impactful witnesses

Senate Majority Policy Committee Hearing designed to help us learn more about the conduct of the 2020 Elections in Pennsylvania

Some of the best witnesses and best questions asked by the Committee from the hearing; the Committee waits until after all testimony before asking their questions.

Testimony in the Video:

Rudy Giuliani:
'On election night, when I went to sleep..', 'President Trump was leading in your state (Pennsylvania) by somewhere around 700,000 to 800,000 votes.., ..65% of the vote was in..'

Expert Witness: Colonel Phil Waldron
'..mailed ballots sent out 1,823,148, but when you go to the count of the final count of the vote, there are 2,589,242 mail-in ballots, what happened? How do you account for the 700,000 mail-in ballots that appeared from nowhere? ..'

Election Observer
'..on Thursday November 12th the observers were informed that the pink highlighter could not be read by the scanners they all had to be done again all of the duplicated mail-in ballots had to be fixed..'

Election Poll Watcher/Observer:
'As of today 47 usb vcards are missing and they're nowhere to be found, so I was told personally that these 32 these 24 to 30 cards that were uploaded, weren't there..'

Election Observer
'I would mention that the mail-in ballots were coming into that room already sliced open at the top we have no idea when or where the slicing took place ..'

'We were not provided with the change in rules by the county to allow the curing of mail-in ballots in a timely manner.'

Poll Voter:
'I voted and I printed it out and when I got it and I looked at it, Trump was not on there, I voted for Trump and it wasn't there, my daughter I called her over and I said to her look his vote is gone I voted for him. So I called a poster over and he said it's not supposed to be seen..'

Election Minority Inspector (Registered Democrat):
'I don't care who wins, I care that it's a fair election'

Election Party County Chairman Overseer (Called-in):
'..very strange, there's a pattern of reactivated old voter rolls that kept reoccurring on the sure system, the sure system is our Pennsylvania voter system, scores of people that had not voted since the 1990 more than 22 years ago were all now reactivated and receiving mail-in ballots, people that didn't vote for Obama or Hillary were all of a sudden receiving mail-in ballots, setting up the opportunity for fraud on a massive scale that would go undetected because voters who never intended to vote would not know, the sure system is not so sure'

*****President Donald Trump called into the Hearing*****:

Committee Member:
'When it came to the mail-in balloting's, that that house bill I want to say 77, ACT 77, I was really kind of taken back by how eager the governor was to sign that bill. Normally bills can sit in his desk eight and almost 10 days before he signs them or lets them become low on their own or vetoes them right away and that when he signed almost instantaneously; and I just kind of wondered so after I saw what happened in the Primary, I wrote House Bill 2626 and this is where it kind of locks it in for me Mr. Mayor and panelists in House Bill 2626 I saw where there could possibly be stuffing the boxes. So I said simply let's put a barcode on the bottom of every mail out ballot, so that the machine has to read a barcode that was accepted by the elections office, before that ballot goes out they zap it when it comes back if that barcode doesn't match one of the barcodes that they sent out it gets kicked out. The Governor immediately as soon as we ran that bill out of committee said, that hits my desk it's an automatic VETO. Not everybody knows that, but that came to us; we had to literally strip that out of the bill..'

Next Committee Member:
'One of the biggest things that bothered me more than anything else was people that went back, went to vote and they were told they already voted, that happened.. I must have heard it from 50 people.. in my district, so you know they.. made them sign of provisional ..'

This is The Independent & NTD News recording of the 'Pennsylvania Senate Majority Policy Committee Hearing' on 11/25/2020
#2000Mules (

Most impactful of:

Live: Giuliani attends election hearing in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania | (The Independent)

LIVE: Trump and Giuliani Participate in Hearing on Voter Fraud in Pennsylvania (Nov. 25) | NTD

Public Hearing on Election Issues | Pennsylvania Senate Majority Policy Committee
Direct Video Link (with Closed Caption):

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