1 year agoProf. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi achitat de acuza falsa de trivializare a holocaustuluiActive News Ro
1 year agoIndrukwekkende en emotionele toespraak van Prof.dr. Sucharit Bhakdi - Nederlands ondertiteldAwarenessChannel
3 months agoProf. Dr. Bhakdi on the US-House of Representatives Report: mRNA-Jabs Worse Than ThalidomideklaTVEnglish
2 months agoProf. Dr. Bhakdi on the US-House of Representatives Report: mRNA-Jabs Worse Than ThalidomideNot MSM
1 year agoCorona-Symposium in the German Bundestag - Emotional Presentation of Prof. Dr. Sucharit BhakdiWe4Humanity
3 months agoProf. Dr. Bhakdi on the US-House of Representatives Report: mRNA-Jabs Worse Than Thalidomidegoldengel
2 years agoDiscussion with Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi and Pascal Najadi -NEWS from the Royal Palace in Thailand.FreeSpeechChannel
1 year ago💥 PROF. DR. SUCHARIT BHAKDI 🇹🇭 (THA) ‼️ ⋙ URGENT MESSAGE ⛩ 🌏 ⛩ TO ASIA ‼️ - TRUMP NEWSTrump News Channel
1 year ago19. AZK: WHO Regime? mRNA-Vaccinations: Effect and Dangers (Prof. Dr. S. Bhakdi) | www.kla.tv/27482klaTVEnglish
9 months agoMWGFD-Pressesymposium zu Impfungen vom 24.5.2024: Begrüßung durch Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdimwgfd
3 months agoProf. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi: "Darum wähle ich die AfD!"Just News - updated regulary - ohne Zensur
2 years agoDr. Bhakdi Interview - Thai Princess Bajrakitiyabha & The Ongoing Cover Up Of The Deadly COVID JabsTheLastAmericanVagabondVerified
1 year agoTRAILER "Können 100 Ärzte lügen?" – Prof. Dr. Bhakdi: "Demokratie – Ist das ein Scherz?"Apolut
3 months agoWichtige Neuigkeiten | Prof. Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi im Interview mit Helmut Reinhardtpolitikspezial
8 months agoMenschenleben retten | Interview mit Prof. Sucharit Bhakdi, Dr. Josef Hingerl und Jürgen Müllerpolitikspezial