1. SharePoint list Calculate a date from an existing date field for Working/Business days

    SharePoint list Calculate a date from an existing date field for Working/Business days

  2. Share a PowerBI Report with external user who already has Power BI Pro licence - Power Platform

    Share a PowerBI Report with external user who already has Power BI Pro licence - Power Platform

  3. Power Platform series 4/4 - Build your first Power Virtual Agent bot pulling from a SharePoint List

    Power Platform series 4/4 - Build your first Power Virtual Agent bot pulling from a SharePoint List

  4. Microsoft Teams Troubleshooting - Download the Teams Diagnostics Logs

    Microsoft Teams Troubleshooting - Download the Teams Diagnostics Logs

  5. 2 ways to add a Modern Calendar to a Modern SharePoint page

    2 ways to add a Modern Calendar to a Modern SharePoint page

  6. Copy and Paste steps in a Power Automate flow (or between flows)

    Copy and Paste steps in a Power Automate flow (or between flows)

  7. Get report of all SharePoint sites and their last activity date - export into excel

    Get report of all SharePoint sites and their last activity date - export into excel

  8. PowerApps - Create Collection from SharePoint List

    PowerApps - Create Collection from SharePoint List

  9. PowerApps - Delegation Issue - Increase Data Row Limit

    PowerApps - Delegation Issue - Increase Data Row Limit

  10. Change loading screen icon and background colour for PowerApp Canvas App

    Change loading screen icon and background colour for PowerApp Canvas App

  11. Build your first PowerApp - Power Platform series 1/4

    Build your first PowerApp - Power Platform series 1/4

  12. PowerApps - Concatenate Values in an array/collection into one string displayed on label

    PowerApps - Concatenate Values in an array/collection into one string displayed on label

  13. PowerApps - Patch to APPEND/ADD data to SharePoint record without replacing data

    PowerApps - Patch to APPEND/ADD data to SharePoint record without replacing data

  14. PowerApps Patch to SharePoint list Get ID of last Patch

    PowerApps Patch to SharePoint list Get ID of last Patch

  15. Build your first Power BI Chart from a SharePoint list - Power Platform series 3/4

    Build your first Power BI Chart from a SharePoint list - Power Platform series 3/4

  16. Build your first Power Automate flow - Power Platform series 2/4

    Build your first Power Automate flow - Power Platform series 2/4

  17. PowerApps - format text field to currency (add dollar symbol, thousand separators and decimal value)

    PowerApps - format text field to currency (add dollar symbol, thousand separators and decimal value)

  18. PowerApps - Button and Text Input control rounded corners radius

    PowerApps - Button and Text Input control rounded corners radius

  19. Change the privacy settings for a Microsoft Team (Private, Public, or Org Wide)

    Change the privacy settings for a Microsoft Team (Private, Public, or Org Wide)

  20. 2 ways to add an Accordion or collapsable sections to SharePoint

    2 ways to add an Accordion or collapsable sections to SharePoint

  21. SharePoint Collapsable sections - How to create an accordion FAQ list and add to a Microsoft Team

    SharePoint Collapsable sections - How to create an accordion FAQ list and add to a Microsoft Team

  22. PowerApps Timer Control - Basic Counter and Countdown Timer

    PowerApps Timer Control - Basic Counter and Countdown Timer
