Meet My Dad, Thom Clark. (I'm the blonde-haired kid, he is the man eating that hamburger) | My Father Died On Sept. 5, 2016 At His Home After His Courageous Battle with ALS.
Super Bowl | Super Bowl or Super BAAL? Did You Know That 11 of the 12 Apostles Died Terrible Deaths? Why Is Musk Pushing a Carbon Tax? + Why Is Satan Being Celebrated? What Is the Connection Between Musk, Harari, Schwab & China?
Dr. Rashid Buttar | My Good Friend, Client, Fellow Patriot And Brother Dr. Rashid Buttar Has Died (1966-2023) | My Prayers Go Out to His Surviving Family And to the World Who Just Lost a GREAT PATRIOT...I'm Still Recovering from Losing Zelenko