11 days agoTransmission from the Ascended Master Realm ∞ St. Germain, by Daniel Scrantonyounglightworker22
8 days agoThis is the Path & the Goal of the Awakened ∞Thymus: Channeled by Daniel Scrantonyounglightworker22
1 month agoThe Awakened Collective: Change is Upon You ∞The 9th Dimensional Arcturian Council~Daniel Scrantonyounglightworker22
26 days agoYOUR TRUE INFINITE NATURE ~ JARED RAND GLOBAL MEDITATION CALL 1-21-2025 #2444younglightworker22
22 days agoSEE the PRESENCE of GOD in EVERYONES EYES ~JARED RAND GLOBAL MEDITATION CALL 1-25-2025 #2449younglightworker22
18 days agoWHAT YOU SEND OUT? YOU GET BACK ~JARED RAND GLOBAL MEDITATION CALL 1-29-2025 #2453younglightworker22
17 days agoMAKE the EGO MIND YOUR SERVANT~ JARED RAND GLOBAL MEDITATION CALL 01-30-25younglightworker22
13 days agoLET the DIVINE LIGHT COME IN ~ JARED RAND GLOBAL MEDITATION CALL 02-01-25younglightworker22
1 month agoEMBRACE a STRESS-FREE LIFE ~ JARED RAND GLOBAL MEDITATION CALL 1-8-2025 #2432younglightworker22
1 month agoFOCUS ON WHAT HOW WE WANT THINGS TO BE ~ JARED RAND GLOBAL MEDITATION CALL 1-9-2025 #2433younglightworker22
27 days agoThe Heroes Taking on the Goliaths of Your Time ∞The 9D Arcturian Council Channeled Daniel Scrantonyounglightworker22
26 days agoYOUR TRUE INFINITE NATURE ~ JARED RAND GLOBAL MEDITATION CALL 1-20-2025 #2444younglightworker22
1 month agoSTART FEELING YOUR FEELINGS ~ JARED RAND GLOBAL MEDITATION CALL 1-16-2025 #2440younglightworker22
30 days agoI AM TIMELESS, ETERNAL & FREE ~ JARED RAND GLOBAL MEDITATION CALL 1-17-2025 #2441younglightworker22
1 month agoThe Creators Are Calling You ∞The Creators ~ Channeled by Daniel Scranton 01-12-25younglightworker22
25 days agoThe UNIVERSAL ENERGY is WITHIN US~ JARED RAND GLOBAL MEDITATION CALL 1-22-2025 #2446younglightworker22
1 month agoWE ARE ALWAYS TEACHING and LEARNING ~ JARED RAND GLOBAL MEDITATION CALL 1-5-2025 #2429younglightworker22