8 months agoPsalm 111 "Praise to the LORD! I will extol him while gathering with the upright" - Spiritus VitaeTrystWithChrist
1 year agoStretching can help you to keep your legs and feet upright. Stretching is a good way to help yo...enthusmic
5 months agoETYMOLOGY, THE ROOT MEANING OF WORDS “righteous” - an early 16c. rightwise,, of actions, "characterized by justice, morally right," of persons, "just, upright; conforming to divine law," 🕎Luke 5:32 KJVRoyaltyLordPrinceShamiyah144
1 year agoFrigidaire EFRF696-AMZ Upright Freezer 6.5 cu ft Stainless Platinum Design Series,SilverMy favorite household items
2 years agoPsalm 111 "Praise to the LORD! I will extol him while gathering with the upright." 9898 meter tune.TrystWithChrist