Psalm 111 "Praise to the LORD! I will extol him while gathering with the upright." 9898 meter tune.

2 years ago

Psalm 111
"Praise to the LORD! I will extol him while gathering with the upright."
Falkirk Free Church
In the original Hebrew each each 7-9 syllable phrase begins with a letter of the Hebrew alphabet in order. It is one of the nine acrostic Psalms the others being Psalms 9, 10, 25, 34, 37, 112, 119, and 145.
image: Lawrie Cate, Open Torah scroll
I'm not sure if I've cut and pasted the Hebrew is correctly; if not it will probably give someone a good chuckle.

In Sing Psalms only this and Psalm 71 use this meter.

PSALM 111 9 8 9 8

1 Praise to the LORD! I will extol him
while gathering with the upright.
2 Great are the works of God, and pondered
by all who in them take delight.

3 His deeds are glorious and majestic;
his righteousness endures always.
4 He caused his works to be remembered;
kind is the LORD and full of grace.

5 Food he provides for those who fear him;
his covenant for ever stands.
6 His mighty works he showed his people
by giving them the nations’ lands.

7 Faithful and just are all his actions;
all his commands are faithful too,
8 Steadfast for ever and for ever.
The works of God are right and true.

9 He sent redemption for his people;
his covenant remains the same,
Ordained by him throughout all ages—
holy and awesome is his name.

10 Fear of the LORD gives rise to wisdom;
All those who walk in upright ways
Have insight and good understanding.
To him belongs eternal praise.

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