1. The Book Jeremiah- Part 7- Chapters 11-12- “Serve The Lord With “OBEDIENCE” Just like Jeremiah

    The Book Jeremiah- Part 7- Chapters 11-12- “Serve The Lord With “OBEDIENCE” Just like Jeremiah

  2. Prophet Study Part 2- Jeremiah Chapter 2- “God’s Charges Against Israel”

    Prophet Study Part 2- Jeremiah Chapter 2- “God’s Charges Against Israel”

  3. DAY36: IMPOSSIBLE MADE POSSIBLE (Matthew 19:23-26)- “The Lord Changed my Life for The Better”

    DAY36: IMPOSSIBLE MADE POSSIBLE (Matthew 19:23-26)- “The Lord Changed my Life for The Better”

  4. Morning Reads:The Power of Intercessory Prayer My Mission is to SAVE SOULS

    Morning Reads:The Power of Intercessory Prayer My Mission is to SAVE SOULS

  5. Morning Reads - “Christian Disputes” - “You Are gods?” - “Deification” See Note

    Morning Reads - “Christian Disputes” - “You Are gods?” - “Deification” See Note

  6. Festus’s Plan- As Orthodox Christians We Pray in Confidence to- The Father- The Son The Holy Spirit

    Festus’s Plan- As Orthodox Christians We Pray in Confidence to- The Father- The Son The Holy Spirit

  7. “The Meaning of the Name “Jew”- “We Are All Sinners”-“The Kingdom of God”- “The Golden Rule”

    “The Meaning of the Name “Jew”- “We Are All Sinners”-“The Kingdom of God”- “The Golden Rule”

  8. Conscience is God-given No Hypocrisy When Teaching and Preaching God’s Word Simple life of Integrity

    Conscience is God-given No Hypocrisy When Teaching and Preaching God’s Word Simple life of Integrity

  9. Prophecy Friday: Isaiah 26-27- Study “Prophet of Doom”/ Ending Message “Live With Simple Integrity”

    Prophecy Friday: Isaiah 26-27- Study “Prophet of Doom”/ Ending Message “Live With Simple Integrity”

  10. Morning Reads- “Spirit & Truth” - A Closing Message to all Mothers- Happy Mothers Day to All

    Morning Reads- “Spirit & Truth” - A Closing Message to all Mothers- Happy Mothers Day to All

  11. Morning Reads- Day 50 Pentecost- The Gift of the Holy Spirit - See Notes in the description box

    Morning Reads- Day 50 Pentecost- The Gift of the Holy Spirit - See Notes in the description box

  12. DAY17: Who Do Say That I AM? The Confession of Faith That The Church Is Built On Christ’s Example

    DAY17: Who Do Say That I AM? The Confession of Faith That The Church Is Built On Christ’s Example

  13. Morning Reads Christ is the “DOOR” The Good Shepherd Beware of False Shepherds Who Lead to Apostasy

    Morning Reads Christ is the “DOOR” The Good Shepherd Beware of False Shepherds Who Lead to Apostasy

  14. “We Must Judge What The World Says is Reasonable On The Basis Of What God Says Is True” -

    “We Must Judge What The World Says is Reasonable On The Basis Of What God Says Is True” -

  15. Morning Reads- The Women First to Proclaim Christ is Risen- Peter is Forgiven

    Morning Reads- The Women First to Proclaim Christ is Risen- Peter is Forgiven

  16. Saul (Paul) is Converted- Communion- The World’s Hatred for Christ & His Followers!!!

    Saul (Paul) is Converted- Communion- The World’s Hatred for Christ & His Followers!!!

  17. Morning Reads Church in Pisidia Philip’s Faith Tested- Quick background- Journalism to Bible Teacher

    Morning Reads Church in Pisidia Philip’s Faith Tested- Quick background- Journalism to Bible Teacher

  18. Faith that Works -(James 2:14-26)- “Abraham The Model of Faith & Works- “Faith That Truly Saves …

    Faith that Works -(James 2:14-26)- “Abraham The Model of Faith & Works- “Faith That Truly Saves …

  19. Morning Reads: Paul’s Third Account of his Conversion- “Siloam” SENT- “Mary Magdalene is Faithful”

    Morning Reads: Paul’s Third Account of his Conversion- “Siloam” SENT- “Mary Magdalene is Faithful”

  20. The Purpose of Trials? Wisdom of Trials? How We Respond to Trials is Important? (James 1:2-11)

    The Purpose of Trials? Wisdom of Trials? How We Respond to Trials is Important? (James 1:2-11)

  21. Morning Reads - “Justification By Faith” - Is living & active - (Acts 10:34-43- John 8:12-20) …

    Morning Reads - “Justification By Faith” - Is living & active - (Acts 10:34-43- John 8:12-20) …

  22. Deception Leads to Spiritual Death- (Acts 5:1-11; Acts 5:17-32) Holy Trinity John 5:30-47- John 6

    Deception Leads to Spiritual Death- (Acts 5:1-11; Acts 5:17-32) Holy Trinity John 5:30-47- John 6

  23. Morning Musings # 213 Of Crickets, Ravens, Yeshua Jesus, Myths, Religion and Renegade Spirits.

    Morning Musings # 213 Of Crickets, Ravens, Yeshua Jesus, Myths, Religion and Renegade Spirits.

  24. DAY 7: The Chosen Blended Harmony of the Gospels- “Isolation vs Faith”- See my Write up & Notes…

    DAY 7: The Chosen Blended Harmony of the Gospels- “Isolation vs Faith”- See my Write up & Notes…

  25. Morning Readings: “Christ Sheds His Own Blood” “Great Catch”-“Christ The High Priestly Prayer”

    Morning Readings: “Christ Sheds His Own Blood” “Great Catch”-“Christ The High Priestly Prayer”
