Prophecy 153, 102 Excerpts - Intense! YAHUSHUA Shocks the World as HE Greives as Giants will Fall From The Skies! In The Great Tribulation Men's hearts will Fail (Luke 21:26) - Gift of Holy Tongues
Prophecy 49 Excerpts - YAH Teaches us clearly about the Pre, Mid, Post Tribulation periods. And "Has not enough hatred and hard feelings from MY own children been caused by this debate.."
Amightywind Prophecy 107 - Hang On! Hang On! Hang On! Do Not Lose Your Blessed Hope! "by the time that which you call the Great Tribulation comes this earth will have deserved that Great Tribulation and MY rage and MY fury.." (mirrored)
Amightywind Prophecy 74 - I, YAHUVEH, have declared War on Planet Earth from Heaven! The UNDERWORLD Will Even Be Doomed, Watery Graves. Reprobates, reptilians, evil Won't ESCAPE