AI Government | "I've Said Publicly & I'm Only Half Joking That We Need AI Government." - Joe Rogan + "The Founding Vision Was We Were Going to Use Technology to Overturn the Monetary System of the World." - Peter Thiel
General Flynn | 4 Updates | Why Are the World's Central Banks Buying Massive Amounts of Gold? Why Did Elon Musk Post? "We Are On the Event Horizon of the Singularity?" + "Grok 3 AI Girlfriend or Boy Friend Is (Fire)."
Stablecoins | "A Stablecoin Is a Digital Dollar. It's Already Being Used All Over the World...It Looks to Me Like Stablecoin Is Going to Be the Future of the U.S. Dollar. You Can Stop It. You Can Control It...See Who Sent What to Whom."