(9/13/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ UFO Contactee/Researcher Alisa Saoni to Talk SuperEarth and Spirituality
Anon Audio Chat 94
As requested by overwhelming demand from Patriots out there, Audio Chat 94 is the ninety-fourth of direct, fireside-style conversations hosted by SG, and intended to help empower YOU (We The People everywhere) with some of the knowledge/guidance we are all collectively seeking.
In Anon Audio Chat 94, SG sits down w/ UFO contactee and long time Patriot researcher Alisa Saoni, for a discussion that spanned from the Nature of the Earth to human spirituality, extraterrestrials, and more.
Viewer Note: This discussion was purposefully grounded in content that the average "Normie" or Sleeper can relate to, identify with, and reconcile, and was presented through this lens intentionally.
It is worth remembering that much of what is "At Play" in the world right now is orchestrated, forced, or otherwise part of a much larger Back-and-Forth between Good and Evil. We are ALL in Good Hands.
SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X(Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot
For More Information on the Content in the Chat, You Can Contact Alisa at the Links Below
(YouTube): https://www.youtube.com/@AlisaT50001
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://quantumroots.us
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com
(9/13/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ US Mil Veteran and Vax-Injured Patriot Tom Trefts for a Talk on Shots, Veterans, and Awakening
Anon Audio Chat 93
As requested by overwhelming demand from Patriots out there, Audio Chat 93 is the ninety-third of direct, fireside-style conversations hosted by SG, and intended to help empower YOU (We The People everywhere) with some of the knowledge/guidance we are all collectively seeking.
In Anon Audio Chat 93, SG sits down w/ US Gulf War veteran and vaxx-injured soldier/Patriot Tom Trefts, for a talk on vaccines, the Clintons, FRIENDS, squalene, and much more.
Viewer Note: This discussion was purposefully grounded in content that the average "Normie" or Sleeper can relate to, identify with, and reconcile, and was presented through this lens intentionally.
It is worth remembering that much of what is "At Play" in the world right now is orchestrated, forced, or otherwise part of a much larger Back-and-Forth between Good and Evil. We are ALL in Good Hands.
SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X(Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot
For More Information on the Content in the Chat, You Can Contact Tom at the Links Below
(Rumble): https://rumble.com/c/veteransagainsttreason
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://quantumroots.us
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com
(9/10/24) | SG Sits Down w/ Jon Dowling @ "The Real World" Show to Talk All Things Geopolitics
SG sits down with Jon Dowling to discuss current geopolitical dynamics and events.
SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X(Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot
Contact info for Jon Dowling:
Telegram: https://www.t.me/JonDowling
Rumble: https://rumble.com/JonDowling
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@ChrisRealWorld
Websites: www.Clubpatriot.com and www.chakraenergy.shop
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://therootbrands.com/quantumprotocol
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com
A Short Reading: "Trust Law" | Ch20 Sec IV | Oxford Handbook of the New Private Law
(9/9/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ AZ Election Whistleblower Michele Swinick to Talk Maricopa County Confession
(This Chat was the most on-air cyber interference ever encountered on QNP)
Anon Audio Chat 92
As requested by overwhelming demand from Patriots out there, Audio Chat 92 is the ninety-second of direct, fireside-style conversations hosted by SG, and intended to help empower YOU (We The People everywhere) with some of the knowledge/guidance we are all collectively seeking.
In Anon Audio Chat 92, SG sits down again w/ Michele Swinick, AZ Elections Worker-turned-Whistleblower, to discuss ongoing whistleblower developments coming out of Maricopa County, AZ USA from the 2022 and now 2024 elections, including a new admission from Maricopa County itself that no chain of custody ever existed for the November 2022 elections.
Viewer Note: This discussion was purposefully grounded in content that the average "Normie" or Sleeper can relate to, identify with, and reconcile, and was presented through this lens intentionally.
It is worth remembering that much of what is "At Play" in the world right now is orchestrated, forced, or otherwise part of a much larger Back-and-Forth between Good and Evil. We are ALL in Good Hands.
SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X(Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot
For More Information on the Content in the Chat, You Can Contact Michele and Team Through the Links Below
(Rumble): https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom
(Substack): https://savemyfreedom.substack.com/
(TruthSocial): https://truthsocial.com/@SaveMyFreedomTV
(Various Social Media Presences): https://launchlinks.com/SocialMediaLinks
(X formerly Twitter): https://twitter.com/EverythingHomeT
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://quantumroots.us
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com
(9/7/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ Financial Visionary Barbara Guth to Discuss the "Sovereign Revenue Trust Entity"
Anon Audio Chat 91
As requested by overwhelming demand from Patriots out there, Audio Chat 91 is the ninety-first of direct, fireside-style conversations hosted by SG, and intended to help empower YOU (We The People everywhere) with some of the knowledge/guidance and human connection we are all collectively seeking.
In Anon Audio Chat 91, SG Anon sits down again w/ Barbara Guth of Sagesse LLC, a financial visionary who has been pioneering a new modality of venture capitalism delivery. The modality is called the "Sovereign Revenue Trust Entity"(TM), and it is worth your time to hear about.
Viewer Note: This discussion was purposefully grounded in content that the average "Normie" or Sleeper can relate to, identify with, and reconcile, and was presented through this lens intentionally.
It is worth remembering that much of what is "At Play" in the world right now is orchestrated, forced, or otherwise part of a much larger Back-and-Forth between Good and Evil. We are ALL in Good Hands.
SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X(Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot
For More Information on the Content of this Chat, Please Contact Ms. Guth at the Links Below
(LinkedIn): https://www.linkedin.com/in/barbara-guth-9324b35
(Website): https://www.theevolutionoffinance.com
(Email): barbara@sagessesrte.com
(Purchase Ms. Guth's Books):
- https://www.amazon.com/Evolution-Finance-Vision-Entrepreneurial-Innovation/dp/1633376745/ref=pd_bxgy_vft_none_img_sccl_1/132-0797648-9397015?pd_rd_w=oT2Nr&content-id=amzn1.sym.26a5c67f-1a30-486b-bb90-b523ad38d5a0&pf_rd_p=26a5c67f-1a30-486b-bb90-b523ad38d5a0&pf_rd_r=JTA1FS2YNTBRBWN8G3B3&pd_rd_wg=y2YMl&pd_rd_r=77d31cc0-341d-4538-ae71-14ab39a4c37d&pd_rd_i=1633376745&psc=1
- https://www.amazon.com/Evolution-Finance-Beyond-Tyranny-Freedom/dp/1633377261/ref=sr_1_1?crid=DDCF9AHONX0P&keywords=barbara+guth&qid=1684618037&sprefix=barbara+guth%2Caps%2C521&sr=8-1
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://quantumroots.us
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com
(9/7/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ Natalie, Greg, & Drew from AO Biomediceuticals to Talk Nutrition and Health of the Future
(No business relationship exists between AOBio and QNewsPatriot)
Anon Audio Chat 90
As requested by overwhelming demand from Patriots out there, Audio Chat 90 is the ninetieth of direct, fireside-style conversations hosted by SG, and intended to help empower YOU (We The People everywhere) with some of the knowledge/guidance we are all collectively seeking.
In Anon Audio Chat 90, SG sits down w/ a Roundtable from AlphaOmega Biomediceuticals to talk natural wellness, health, vitality, nanotechnology, supplements of the future, spirituality, and more.
Viewer Note: This discussion was purposefully grounded in content that the average "Normie" or Sleeper can relate to, identify with, and reconcile, and was presented through this lens intentionally.
It is worth remembering that much of what is "At Play" in the world right now is orchestrated, forced, or otherwise part of a much larger Back-and-Forth between Good and Evil. We are ALL in Good Hands.
SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X(Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot
For More Information on the Content in the Chat, or to Support AO's Work, Please Navigate to the Links Below:
(Website): https://biomediceuticals.com
(Social Media): https://Facebook.com/naturesweetz
(Contact): info@biomediceuticals.com
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://quantumroots.us
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com
(9/5/2024) SG Sits Down w/ Kevin, Norman, & Brad for a Persecuted Patriots Roundtable Talk
Anon Audio Chat 89
As requested by overwhelming demand from Patriots out there, Audio Chat 89 is the eighty-ninth of direct, fireside-style conversations hosted by SG, and intended to help empower YOU (We The People everywhere) with some of the knowledge/guidance we are all collectively seeking.
In Anon Audio Chat 89, SG sits down w/ Kevin Hoyt, Norman Traversy, and Brad Wozny, to discuss the escalating persecution and targeting of Patriot voices amongst WeThePeople.
Viewer Note: This discussion was purposefully grounded in content that the average "Normie" or Sleeper can relate to, identify with, and reconcile, and was presented through this lens intentionally.
It is worth remembering that much of what is "At Play" in the world right now is orchestrated, forced, or otherwise part of a much larger Back-and-Forth between Good and Evil. We are ALL in Good Hands.
SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X(Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot
For More Information on the Content in the Chat, You Can Contact the Guest Panel Through the Links Below
(Kevin Rumble): https://rumble.com/user/KevinHoytVT
(Kevin Facebook): https://www.facebook.com/kevin.hoyt.79?mibextid=ZbWKwL
(Kevin Telegram): https://t.me/kevinhoytchat
(Kevin TruthSocial): https://truthsocial.com/@KevinHoyt
(Kevin on GrassRoots Warrior Network-RumbleGRWN): https://rumble.com/c/GrassRootsWarriorNetwork
(Brad Rumble Channel): https://rumble.com/c/TheSovereignSOUL
(Brad TruthSocial): https://truthsocial.com/@TheSovereignSoul
(Brad X): @TheBlingDBuddha
(Norman GiveSendGo Fund): https://www.givesendgo.com/werisetheyfall
(Norman's Copyright Ownership of Canadian Laws): https://www.ic.gc.ca/app/opic-cipo/cpyrghts/srch.do?lang=eng&page=1&searchCriteriaBean.textField1=Norman+Traversy&searchCriteriaBean.column1=COP_OWNER_SEARCH&submitButton=Search&searchCriteriaBean.andOr1=and&searchCriteriaBean.textField2=&searchCriteriaBean.column2=TITLE&searchCriteriaBean.andOr2=and&searchCriteriaBean.textField3=&searchCriteriaBean.column3=TITLE&searchCriteriaBean.type=&searchCriteriaBean.dateStart=&searchCriteriaBean.dateEnd=&searchCriteriaBean.sortSpec=&searchCriteriaBean.maxDocCount=200&searchCriteriaBean.docsPerPage=10
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://quantumroots.us
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com
Excerpted from “Star Trek: The Next Generation” S6,E1 — ‘Time’s Arrow’
Excerpted from “Star Trek: The Next Generation” S6,E1 — ‘Time’s Arrow’
Isn’t that interesting.
(9/4/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ Nurse Practitioner Patti Gilliano for an Incredible Account of Medical Humanicide
Anon Audio Chat 88
As requested by overwhelming demand from Patriots out there, Audio Chat 88 is the eighty-eighth of direct, fireside-style conversations hosted by SG, and intended to help empower YOU (We The People everywhere) with some of the knowledge/guidance we are all collectively seeking.
In Anon Audio Chat 88, SG sits down w/ former hospital chief nurse and psychiatric Nurse Practitioner Patti Gilliano, for a riveting account of the COVID19 betrayal of humanity, military grade psy-warfare, solutions, and spirituality.
Viewer Note: This discussion was purposefully grounded in content that the average "Normie" or Sleeper can relate to, identify with, and reconcile, and was presented through this lens intentionally.
It is worth remembering that much of what is "At Play" in the world right now is orchestrated, forced, or otherwise part of a much larger Back-and-Forth between Good and Evil. We are ALL in Good Hands.
SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X(Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot
For More Information on the Content in the Chat, You Can Contact Patti and Team Through the Links Below:
(Website): http://magnoliabehavioralwellness.com/
(Patti's Podcast): https://w4hc.com/shows/wellness-uncensored/
(Patti's Book): https://www.amazon.com/They-Call-Me-Harriet-Executives/dp/1965384048
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://quantumroots.us
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com
(9/3/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ Scott Schara of "OurAmazingGrace.Net" to Talk History of Medical Murder
Anon Audio Chat 87
As requested by overwhelming demand from Patriots out there, Audio Chat 87 is the eighty-seventh of direct, fireside-style conversations hosted by SG, and intended to help empower YOU (We The People everywhere) with some of the knowledge/guidance we are all collectively seeking.
In Anon Audio Chat 87, SG sits down again w/ Scott Schara, business owner-turned-Patriot warrior, to discuss the long history of medical homicide.
Viewer Note: This discussion was purposefully grounded in content that the average "Normie" or Sleeper can relate to, identify with, and reconcile, and was presented through this lens intentionally.
It is worth remembering that much of what is "At Play" in the world right now is orchestrated, forced, or otherwise part of a much larger Back-and-Forth between Good and Evil. We are ALL in Good Hands.
SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X(Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot
For More Information on the Content in the Chat, You Can Contact Scott and Team Through the Links Below:
(Scott's Website): https://ouramazinggrace.net
(Grace's Online Memorial): https://graceschara.com
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://quantumroots.us
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com
US Marines Active | Trump: 25thAmdmt+WW3+FINSYS Event Inbound | Trump Assassination & Tesla Biohealing Butler, PA
Anon Audio File 80
SG Anon discusses Trump's TruthSocial and X messages to Patriots, WWIII, the financial collapse, the imminent 25th Amendment activation by [D]s, ANTIFA, the US Military, and much more.
SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X(Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://quantumroots.us
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com
(8/30/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ Bible Historian and Finance Expert Jim Pugh to Talk Money, Humanity, and God
(It was my error in spacing the question on-air re: where Patriots can find more of Jim's work. Please see the links below ~SG)
Anon Audio Chat 86
As requested by overwhelming demand from Patriots out there, Audio Chat 86 is the eighty-sixth of direct, fireside-style conversations hosted by SG, and intended to help empower YOU (We The People everywhere) with some of the knowledge/guidance we are all collectively seeking.
In Anon Audio Chat 86, SG sits down w/ Patriot, Biblical historian, and international business expert Jim Pugh, to discuss the ancient Bloodlines of financial tyranny in this world, and the Golden Age to come.
Viewer Note: This discussion was purposefully grounded in content that the average "Normie" or Sleeper can relate to, identify with, and reconcile, and was presented through this lens intentionally.
It is worth remembering that much of what is "At Play" in the world right now is orchestrated, forced, or otherwise part of a much larger Back-and-Forth between Good and Evil. We are ALL in Good Hands.
SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X(formerly Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot
For More Information on the Content in the Chat, You Can Contact Jim at the Links Below
(Website): https://www.godisgovernment.com/
(Substack): https://substack.com/@godisgovt
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://quantumroots.us
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com
(8/29/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ Historian and Spiritual-Student Ismael Perez to Talk Mankind's Ascension
Anon Audio Chat 85
As requested by overwhelming demand from Patriots out there, Audio Chat 85 is the eighty-fifth of direct, fireside-style conversations hosted by SG, and intended to help empower YOU (We The People everywhere) with some of the knowledge/guidance we are all collectively seeking.
In Anon Audio Chat 85, SG sits down w/ Patriot, historian, and Spiritual-student Ismael Perez, for a remarkable conversation about the potential nature of Life, the World, Humanity, and our shared history.
Viewer Note: This discussion was purposefully grounded in content that the average "Normie" or Sleeper can relate to, identify with, and reconcile, and was presented through this lens intentionally.
It is worth remembering that much of what is "At Play" in the world right now is orchestrated, forced, or otherwise part of a much larger Back-and-Forth between Good and Evil. We are ALL in Good Hands.
SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X(formerly Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot
For More Information on the Content in the Chat, You Can Contact Ismael at the Links Below
(Website): https://ourcosmicorigin.com
(Purchase Ismael's Books): https://www.amazon.com/stores/Ismael-Perez/author/B0C7R4Y64G?ref=sr_ntt_srch_lnk_1&qid=1725034615&sr=8-1&isDramIntegrated=true&shoppingPortalEnabled=true
(YouTube): https://www.youtube.com/@THEREALISMAELPEREZ
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://quantumroots.us
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com
(8/28/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ Pastor Frank Lewis of JoyStones to Talk Emotional-Spiritual Healing
Anon Audio Chat 84
As requested by overwhelming demand from Patriots out there, Audio Chat 84 is the eighty-fourth of direct, fireside-style conversations hosted by SG, and intended to help empower YOU (We The People everywhere) with some of the knowledge/guidance we are all collectively seeking.
In Anon Audio Chat 84, SG sits down w/ Pastor Frank Lewis of JoyStones, in Southern California, to talk emotional healing and spiritual freedom for the Church in the world.
Viewer Note: This discussion was purposefully grounded in content that the average "Normie" or Sleeper can relate to, identify with, and reconcile, and was presented through this lens intentionally.
It is worth remembering that much of what is "At Play" in the world right now is orchestrated, forced, or otherwise part of a much larger Back-and-Forth between Good and Evil. We are ALL in Good Hands.
SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X(formerly Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot
For More Information on the Content in the Chat, You Can Contact Frank at the Links Below
(Website): http://joystones.org/
(Purchase Pastor Frank's Book): https://www.amazon.com/Key-Freedom-Emotional-Bondage-Abundant-ebook/dp/B0D1HKGV2J
(Email): fclewis46@yahoo.com
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://quantumroots.us
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com
Trump Jail Necessary | CO Inc Judiciary Noticed 3.31.24 | DUMBs Ops: Turkey/Egypt Next | USAR TRADOC and COG
Anon Audio File 79
SG Anon discusses the impending Trump jail sentence, Pentagon Protection Force, US COG proofs, worldwide military operations, progress in the underground war, US Army TRADOC, and more.
SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X(Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://quantumroots.us
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com
(8/20/2024) | SG Sits Down Again w/ Aldo from VA Beach to Talk Ongoing Patriot Efforts To Restore Liberty and Justice
Anon Audio Chat 83
As requested by overwhelming demand from Patriots out there, Audio Chat 83 is the eighty-third of direct, fireside-style conversations hosted by SG, and intended to help empower YOU (We The People everywhere) with some of the knowledge/guidance we are all collectively seeking.
In Anon Audio Chat 83, SG sits down w/ peacemaker Sheriff Candidate Aldo Dibelardino, from Virginia Beach, VA USA, to talk ongoing efforts towards truth, law, and justice in our Republic.
Viewer Note: This discussion was purposefully grounded in content that the average "Normie" or Sleeper can relate to, identify with, and reconcile, and was presented through this lens intentionally.
It is worth remembering that much of what is "At Play" in the world right now is orchestrated, forced, or otherwise part of a much larger Back-and-Forth between Good and Evil. We are ALL in Good Hands.
SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X(formerly Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot
For More Information on the Content in the Chat, You Can Contact Aldo at the Links Below
(Website): Https://courtofpublicawakening.org
(Candidate Website): https://aldoforsheriff.org
(Flash Jury Website): https://flashjury.org
(Email): jstagg68@gmail.com
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://quantumroots.us
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com
(8/15/24) | SG Sits Down w/ Jenni Jerread @ "Revival of America" Podcast
SG sits down again w/ Jenni Jerread to discuss current geopolitical dynamics and events.
SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X(Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot
Jenni Jerread's Info:
Rumble: @jjerread/
Truth Social: @jjerread/
Instagram: @jjerread/
Telegram: The Revival Of America/
X (formerly Twitter): @jenni_jerread/
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://therootbrands.com/quantumprotocol
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com
(8/15/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ Scott Schara from "OurAmazingGrace.Net" to Discuss the Film Vaxxed III
(This conversation was twice cyber-attacked in significant fashion, and there are some audio interruptions. Please bear w/ us as we seek to share Grace's Story)
Anon Audio Chat 82
As requested by overwhelming demand from Patriots out there, Audio Chat 82 is the eighty-second of direct, fireside-style conversations hosted by SG, and intended to help empower YOU (We The People everywhere) with some of the knowledge/guidance we are all collectively seeking.
In Anon Audio Chat 82, SG sits down again w/ Scott Schara, business owner-turned-Patriot warrior, to discuss the medical homicide of his 19yo daughter in 2021 and how their story will be featured in an upcoming Film designed to shake people awake. It was a brief but extremely pleasant talk.
Viewer Note: This discussion was purposefully grounded in content that the average "Normie" or Sleeper can relate to, identify with, and reconcile, and was presented through this lens intentionally.
It is worth remembering that much of what is "At Play" in the world right now is orchestrated, forced, or otherwise part of a much larger Back-and-Forth between Good and Evil. We are ALL in Good Hands.
SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X(Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot
For More Information on the Content in the Chat, You Can Contact Scott and Team Through the Links Below:
(Scott's Website): https://ouramazinggrace.net
(Grace's Online Memorial): https://graceschara.com
(Vaxxed III): https://vaxxed3.childrenshealthdefense.org/
(Vaxxed III - Find a Showing): https://vaxxed3.childrenshealthdefense.org/find-a-screening/
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://quantumroots.us
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com
(8/12/24) SG Sits Down w/ Robert and Lewis from “Renegade-Media/ScrewBigGov" Network
SG sits down with Robert and Lewis @"Renegade-Media"/"ScrewBigGov" to discuss people, hope, faith, morale, President Trump, November 2024 and so much more!
SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X(Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot
For More Information on the Content Presented Here, Follow the Links Below:
Follow Robert Imbriale here: https://renegademedia.tv
Follow Lewis Herms here: https://www.ScrewBigGov.com
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://quantumroots.us
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com
(8/11/24) | SG Sits Down w/ Carrington Macduffie @ "Starseeds of Freedom" Podcast
SG sits down with w/ Carrington over at Starseeds of Freedom, to discuss current spiritual and political topics.
SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X (Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://quantumroots.us
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com
(8/12/24) | SG Sits Down w/ Lisa Rhoads @ “Question the Narrative" Podcast
SG joins Lisa Rhoads @ "Question the Narrative" podcast to discuss the ongoing destructuring of the Western system, the role of President Trump, and the concept of neurolinguistic seating in shaping the current narrative. They also explored the global operation to de-entrench the influence of the intelligence community, the significance of the petrodollar, and the constitutionality of the government in Washington, DC. among other interesting topics. Part Two coming on August 29, 2024....
SGAnon on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
To Find More of Lisa’s Work, Follow the Links Below:
(Lisa Rumble): https://rumble.com/c/QNarrative
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://quantumroots.us
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com
(8/8/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ Virginia Patriots Aldo, Pam, and JW to Talk Efforts Toward a Peoples Grand Jury Audience
(Viewer Note: A slight error in # of USA Counties was in the Chat. For reference, the proper number is 3,007 USA Counties and 237 County-equivalents)
Anon Audio Chat 81
As requested by overwhelming demand from Patriots out there, Audio Chat 81 is the eighty-first of direct, fireside-style conversations hosted by SG, and intended to help empower YOU (We The People everywhere) with some of the knowledge/guidance we are all collectively seeking.
In Anon Audio Chat 81, SG sits down w/ a Virgina Patriot roundtable to talk progress and efforts in Virginia circuits towards gaining a We The People audience in a Grand Jury courtroom.
Viewer Note: This discussion was purposefully grounded in content that the average "Normie" or Sleeper can relate to, identify with, and reconcile, and was presented through this lens intentionally.
It is worth remembering that much of what is "At Play" in the world right now is orchestrated, forced, or otherwise part of a much larger Back-and-Forth between Good and Evil. We are ALL in Good Hands.
SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X(formerly Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot
For More Information on the Content in the Chat, You Can Contact These Patriots at the Links Below
(Website): Https://courtofpublicawakening.org
(Candidate Website): https://aldoforsheriff.org
(Flash Jury Website): https://flashjury.org
(Email): jstagg68@gmail.com
JW Links
(Website): https://judicialpedia.com
(Email): judicialpedia@gmail.com
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://quantumroots.us
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com
(8/6/2024) | SG Sits Down w/ World Renowned Neurologist Dr. Dan Cohen to Talk Brains, Spirituality, and Sleep
Anon Audio Chat 80
As requested by overwhelming demand from Patriots out there, Audio Chat 80 is the eighty-first of direct, fireside-style conversations hosted by SG, and intended to help empower YOU (We The People everywhere) with some of the knowledge/guidance we are all collectively seeking.
In Anon Audio Chat 80, SG sits down w/ Dr. Dan Cohen, inventor of "Breathe-Rite" nasal strips and world respected neurologist, for a fascinating talk on the human brain, spirituality, and the remarkable rejuvenating power of Delta-sleep.
Viewer Note: This discussion was purposefully grounded in content that the average "Normie" or Sleeper can relate to, identify with, and reconcile, and was presented through this lens intentionally.
It is worth remembering that much of what is "At Play" in the world right now is orchestrated, forced, or otherwise part of a much larger Back-and-Forth between Good and Evil. We are ALL in Good Hands.
SG on TruthSocial: @RealSGAnon
SG on X(formerly Twitter): @TheQNewsPatriot
For More Information on the Content in the Chat, You Can Contact Dr. Cohen Through the Links Below
(Website): https://soltechealth.com/
(Email): dcohen@soltechealth.com
For questions regarding the content presented here, scheduling with SG for a joint-broadcast or Patriot event, and general inquiries, please contact Laura or SG directly at theqnewspatriothelp@protonmail.com. Please allow up to 72hrs for an adequate response.
For further information on the various “Action Steps” that Patriots can take, please see below:
*Those affected by Medical Murder can File Whistleblower Accounts here: Email carolyn.blakeman@formerfedsgroup.org or go to https://formerfedsgroup.org/
*For a video archive of Maricopa County Arizona election fraud, go here: https://rumble.com/c/SaveMyFreedom/videos
*To explore potential countermeasures to C19 Vaccine Injuries, go here: https://quantumroots.us
*Advice on Investments/Financials During the Great Awakening: https://www.kepm.com/sg
*To Learn About the Post-WWII Secret Space Programs, go here: https://a.co/d/dcc8vu7
*How to Use Constitutional Grand Juries to Redress Public Grievances: https://www.amazon.com/Tactical-Civics-Life-Responsible-Americans/dp/1726298817
*Educational Material on Government Structure (USA): https://www.whitehouse.gov/about-the-white-house/our-government/state-local-government/
*To learn more about Surety and Indemnity Bonds backing so-called US "public officials", see Bonds for the Win: https://bondsforthewin.com