3 months agohttp://www.DoctorsToTrust.com presents episode 2329 | DR PAUL MASON w/ Rina at theprimal.comDoctorsToTrust
1 year agoSTEPHEN PHINNEY c | STATINS: no clinical difference in mortality, but RAISE DIABETES RISKDoctors To Trust
2 months agoBEN BIKMAN d1 | FATTY LIVER from FRUCTOSE / ALCOHOL …visceral fat MOST DANGEROUSDoctorsToTrust
4 months agoPAUL MASON o2 | OSTEOPOROSIS HIP REVERSED! …high animal PROTEIN diet restored boneDoctorsToTrust
4 months agoGEORGIA EDE j6 | ALZHEIMERS in REMISSION: 20 years of research shows IR is main cause of AlzheimersDoctorsToTrust
1 year agoBEN BIKMAN | FULL SET: key points! KETONES: brains prefer; cuts INFLAMMATIONDoctors To Trust
2 months agoBEN BIKMAN d2 | INSIST ON GETTING INSULIN BLOOD LABS …tell doctor: mark the INSULIN BOX tooDoctorsToTrust
2 months agoBEN BIKMAN d3 | TYPE 2 DIABETES 100% REVERSIBLE …T2D meds? lead to early cancer, Alzheimers, deathDoctorsToTrust
1 year agoDOM D’AGOSTINO | FULL SET: key points ketones benefit brain; suppress cancerDoctors To Trust
2 months agoBEN BIKMAN f6 | RISING RISK due to METABOLIC SYNDROM …adding ea component raises HEART DISEASE RISKDoctorsToTrust
3 months agoPAUL MASON p12 | LECTINS= ACID REFLUX PROBLEMS …can be cleared up within 6 daysDoctorsToTrust
5 months agoJOE ROGAN c1 | Medical Miracles…have CEASED. Now only lifelong chronic CAREDoctorsToTrust
4 months agoGARY FETTKE m5 | HOSPITAL FOOD: FEEDS T2D! …T2D patients who go low carb at home: T2D gone!DoctorsToTrust
1 year agoBEN BIKMAN a- | STUDIES: eat less saturated fat: Lower testosterone; Lower sperm productionDoctors To Trust
4 months agoSTEPHEN PHINNEY i2 | T2D REVERSAL CUT MEDS 1/2 …260 LONG TERM T2D use low carb diet for SUCCESSDoctorsToTrust
3 months agoDON LAYMAN d2 | TYPICAL AGING: MUSCLE MASS & MOBILITY DOWN …need quality & quantity proteinDoctorsToTrust
1 year agoPAUL SALADINO a | Costco meat: Aus & NZ lamb: grass fed and finished; ground bisonDoctors To Trust
1 year agoPAUL SALADINO a | STUDY after STUDY… linoleic acid [seed oils] -OXIDIZE LDL -macular degenerationDoctors To Trust