Trump Begins Disbanding IRS: “They’re Un-American and Must Go”/Anti-Trump Democrat Official Arrested on Child Rape Charges/ President Trump Holds Post-Inauguration Rally in Las Vegas — Expected to Follow Through on “No Tax on Tips” Promise
Mass Shooting Reported at New York Nightclub/Cybertruck Explodes Right In Front of a Trump Hotel in Las Vegas/Georgia Judge Kills Himself Inside in His Own Courtroom
Candace Owens Under FBI Investigation for Exposing Elite Pedophilia in Hollywood/Australian Senator Challenges WHO: ‘We Don’t Believe Anything You Say About Monkeypox’/Nevada Democrat Official Found Guilty of Murdering Las Vegas-Review Journal Repor
BRICS | "The U.S. Dollar Is Becoming An Unhinged Paper Currency." - Art Laffer (American economist & author who first gained prominence as a member of Reagan's Economic Policy Advisory Board.) + BRICS New Currency?