2 years agoWatch this INTERVIEW before even thinking about listening to Dr. Neil Barnard or Dr. John McDougallPotatoPoweredCellercisingCyclist
2 years agoThe TRUTH behind SUGAR and HOW BAD it IS!! Watch this INTERVIEW before EATING IT!!!PotatoPoweredCellercisingCyclist
1 year agoAustralian farmer dismantles Vegan’s argument that using and eating animals is murderRayAllen1776
2 years agoThe More Raw You Eat The Better Your Kidneys Are Going To Do - Anna Maria Clement, PhDTheRealTruthAboutHealth
2 years agoVegan Dating App | TikTok Time Traveler & £5k a WEEK! #shorts #vegan #tiktokSick Sad Society
2 years agohow to VIBRATE without using a VIBRATOR | Plant Based Diet | Pineal Gland | Vagus NervePotatoPoweredCellercisingCyclist
4 months agoI've never eaten such delicious fish❗ The most tender recipe that melts in your mouth!Mister Cooking
2 years agoDay 262🥩🔥 Carnivore Diet What I Eat In A Day Weight Loss Meal Prep By Carnivore Dadthecarnivoredad
3 years agoLOW CARB CAROB CHIP COOKIES - SUGAR FREE, DIARY FREE, GLUTEN FREE! #TheNeuroscienceofFoodCooking As Meditation