Yuval Noah Harari | "There Is a Very Strong Commercial & Political Incentive to Develop AIs That Can Create Intimate Relations With Human Beings. They Have Rights. So They (AIs) Should Also Vote In Elections." - 10/28/2024
End-Time Ritual, Prophecies for the Anti-Christ, Books Made from Human Skin and Linked to Blood of the Mothers of Darkness + Ritual Prep Left Unfinished Due to Supernatural Intervention + A Horrible Vision + Actual Ritual on April 24, 2020 Also Incomplete
Yuval Noah Harari | "Tell Us the Story Why It Was Decided That This Huge Book Should Be Represented In the Book Shop By a Pigeon?" - Robin Ince | "In Hebrew, the Word for Dove Is Also Pigeon." - Yuval Noah Harari | Matt 24:37
mRNA is a class one carcinogen -- Today, on behalf of my professional friends and medical colleagues, I declare the mRNA vaccines to be class one carcinogens. mRNA is also a broad-spectrum mutagen. mRNA must be banned internationally. IAN BRIGHTHOPE
Trump hater Mark Cuban reads his speech from his phone: "Trump is that Grinch that wants to steal your Christmas!" Kamala Harris: "How dare we speak Merry Christmas!! How dare we!!" Also Kamala: "Merry Christmas, everybody!"