De-Dollarization | "We're Seeing Discussions Around Whether Or Not BRICS Can Create a Currency Pegged to Specific Minerals, Things Like GOLD." - Bloomberg (June 2nd 2023)
Central Bank Digital Currencies | Why Did a Senator Feinstein Aide Whisper In Her Ear? "Just Say Aye." | Are Politicians Merely Their Puppets? Is A Cashless Society Being Built Around Us While Everyone Is Emotional About Something Else?
CBDCs | Why Did Joe Rogan Read Revelation Chapter 13? "CBDCs, What Are They Going to Look Like? It Was Around This Large And Will Be Implanted Under Your Skin." - Professor Richard Werner
CBDC | "CBDC Is Likely to Get Implemented Pretty Much Every Country Around the World." - James Wallis (Ripple VP, Bank Engagements & CBDCs) | The Great Reset Attack On Our Wealth, Health & The TRUTH with Doctor Sherwood
CBDC | Is India Rolling Out Central Bank Digital Currencies? "COVID Makes Surveillance Go Under Your Skin." - Yuval Noah Harari + "CBDC, It Was Around This Large And Will Be Implanted Under Your Skin." - Professor Richard Werner
Great Reset | "A Digital Health Certificate Acknowledged By WHO. If You Have Been Vaccinated Or Tested Properly You Can Still Move Around." - Budi Gunadi Sadikin (World Economic Forum) "The Fourth Industrial Revolution Changes You." -
CBDCs | The Internet of Bodies | "Up Until Now the Conversation We've Been Having Is Around Freedom of Speech, However Once We Can Access People's Thoughts and People's Emotions..."
Mark of the Beast | As the Beast System Is Being Built Around Us, Who Are We Truly Worshiping? Are We Worshiping God or The Devil? Why Is the Does the World Economic Forum, CERN, Google and Microsoft Insist On Using a Blatant 666 Theme?
Central Bank Digital Currencies | "FedNow Launches In July 2023. The Central Bankers Around the World Have Admitted That It's About Control, It's Not About Money." - Whitney Webb (Investigative Journalist)
Dollar Collapse | Is the Implementation of the CBDCs, BRICs, FedNow, MIT Quantum Dot, MIT CBDC, Quant.Network & The Bank of International Settlements System of Total Control Just Around the Corner?