Ray Kurzweil | "By 2029 A.I. Will Match Any Person. People Think That It Will Happen Next Year or the Year After." + "We Will Have Medical Medical Nano-Robots, the Size of Blood Cells That Finish the Job of the Immune System."
China | Why Is Putin Planning to Travel to China to Meet With Xi Jinping? | Why Are High-Level Chinese Officials Disappearing? Is China Building 'Ethnic Specific' Bio Weapons That Can Target People Based on Race?
U.S. Rep. Massie Announces Sudden Death of His Wife of 30 years, Rhonda? + "When You Make It Difficult for People They Lose Their Ideological Bullsh$# & Get Vaccinated." - Fauci + Who Is Trump's VP Pick? + BRICS Dedollarization?
Julie Green | Why Did Chris Cuomo Just Say? "The Problem Is That People Sean & Me Who Still Have Weird Stuff With Their Blood Work Are Not Going Away?" + How Does God Want Us to Respond to Chris Cuomo & Bill Gates?
Dr. Stella Immanuel | What Did Elon Musk Say? "8 Billion People In the World. A Few Billion Are Going to Want This (Neuralink). Should Be $5-10K. 600 Second Surgery." - Musk (10/28/24) + Musk, Harari & Schwab On Same Page?
Yuval Noah Harari | "Even If AIs Don't Have Consciousness, They Can Easily Fool Us & Make Us Believe They Feel Things." + "People Will Feel That Their AI Friend Is a Conscious Being & Therefore Should Be Granted Rights." -
Bird Flu | "At the Beginning of Any Pandemic, Everybody Tries Everything. We Remember Being Told Everything Is Fine. Only Five People Have It. This Isn't Going to Go Any Further." - Senator Mitt Romney (May 15th 2024)
Business Coach | We Become the Average of the 5 People We Spend the Most Time With + Behavioral Scientist & Award-Winning Author Jon Levy Teaches Why We Are Deeply Impacted By the People We Surround Ourselves With